Yesterday, the WSDCC passed the 2012 Caucus Plan.
Here are the relevant information that everyone should know.
Although we will possibly be in new districts in 2012, the plan will use the current districts. So, if you reside in the 1st CD today, but in the 10th in 2012, you will still caucus with the 1st CD in May. Also, anyone who is will turn 18 before the 2012 general election (November 6, 2012) is eligible to participate in the caucuses.
Caucus Dates:
Precinct Caucuses – Sunday, April 15 – 1 PM
LD Caucus – Saturday, April 28 – 10 AM
County Convention – Sunday, April 29 – 10 AM
CD Caucus – Saturday,May 20
State Convention – Saturday, June 2 and 3 in Seattle
Delegate Info:
The 1st CD will elect 8 delegates to the National Convention in North Carolina.
The 2nd CD will elect 7 delegates.
The 3rd CD will elect 7 delegates.
The 4th CD will elect 4 delegates.
The 5th CD will elect 6 delegates.
The 7th CD will elect 11 delegates.
The 8th CD will elect 7 delegates.
The 9th CD will elect 6 delegates.
There will be 13 Party Leaders and Elected Officials and 21 at-large delegates elected at the State Convention. There will be 8 alternates elected.
1,400 delegates will be elected to the State Convention by the LD Caucuses. We will not know how many delegates the each LD will receive until January 2012,
Each precinct will get one delegate and one alternate for each 75 votes cast for Barack Obama during the 2008 general election. Precinct that have changed since 2008 will get one delegate and one alternate for each 225 registered voters (as of November 11, 2011).
Affirmative Action targets for the National Convention:
African American – 6
Hispanics – 13
Enrolled Native Americans – 3
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders – 10
LGBT – 7 (two must be people of color)
People with disabilities – 3
Youth (Age 17-24) – 3
Christopher Roberts
Delegate, Washington State Democratic Central Committee, 32nd LD