The 11th LD Democrats have voted to make the following endorsements tonight (4/17/2012)
- President: Barack Obama
- Governor: Jay Inslee
- US Senator: Maria Cantwell
- US Representative, CD 7, Jim McDermott
- State Auditor: Craig Pridemore
- Attorney General: Bob Ferguson
- State Representative, Position 1: Zack Hudgins
- State Representative, Position 2: Bobby Virk
- State Representative, Position 2, Steven Bergquist
- Secretary of State: Kathleen Drew
- King County Superior Court, Position 19, Bill Bowman
- King County Superior Court, Position 20, Scott Johnson
- King County Superior Court, Position 29, Sean O’Donnell
- King County Superior Court, Position 40, Ken Schubert
- King County Superior Court, Position 46, Judy Ramseyer