The re-org meeting is just a month away. Be a part of our leadership team!

Hello 11th LD Democrats!  As you all know, we’re having our reorganization meeting on January 15th 2013.  Elected PCOs are going to be able to vote, but the positions are open to all members in good standing (you paid your dues for 2012 and at least showed up to one meeting in that year).


We would love it if more members would participate and become part of our leadership team.  Are you interested in serving in some sort of way?  Speak up!  Please send an email to  Even if there are people currently running, don’t be shy if you’re interesting in running for a spot.  We’re not endorsing anyone for positions; we just want to encourage participation.  The current declared candidates for officer positions are:


  • Chair:
    • Holly Krejci
    • Roger Pence
  • Vice Chair:
    • Robert Kangas
  • Secretary:
    • Jerri Wood
  • Treasurer:
    • Rick Polintan
  • WSDCC Male:
    • Azziem Underwood
  • WSDCC Female:
    • Kate Kruller


The following positions currently do not have any declared candidates:

  • KCDCC Female Representative
  • KCDCC Male Representative
  • KCDCC Female Alternate
  • KCDCC Male Alternate


The following at-large positions have historically been appointed by the chair and confirmed by the membership via a vote.  These positions may also be continued by the new chair and put to a vote, but possibly at a later meeting.  If you’re at all interested, feel free to speak up:

  • KCDCC – LAC Rep 1:
    • Christopher Anderson
  • KCDCC – LAC Rep 2:
    • Jerri Wood
  • Parliamentarian
    • No declared candidates
  • PCO Events Coordinator
    • No declared candidates
  • Newsletter Editor
    • Bill Taylor
  • Membership Retention
    • No declared candidates
  • Webmaster
    • Robert Kangas
  • Raffle Coordinator
    • No declared candidates


Our bylaws governing the reorganization election are posted here:  If not defined by our bylaws, we refer to King County’s Bylaws (, then Washington State’s Bylaws (


We will also be hosting an 11th LD candidate meet and greet on Thursday, January 3rd.  Please come out and participate and meet the people running for party offices within the organization.  Details on the events can be found on our website:


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