Rep. Ross Hunter (D-48) (left) is Chair of the House Appropriations Committee. Rep. Reuven Carlyle (D-36) (right) is chair of the House Finance Committee.
Legislators are dragging their heels on two bills that will help rebuild Washington’s middle class and save tax dollars. What gives?
Two top Democrats, chairs of the House Finance and House AppropriationsCommittees, are refusing to schedule votes on the Family and Medical Leave Insurance (HB 1457) and Paid Sick Days (HB 1313) bills in front of their respective committees.
Lawmakers have received an outpouring of emails and phone calls in favor of the two bills. Small business owners, parents, injured workers, early learning experts, and health professionals have testified in support of these commonsense policies for healthy children, strong families, and public health. And because state employees already have sick leave, and family leave insurance benefits and administrative costs are fully covered by modest insurance premiums, any direct costs to the state’s general fund are minimal.
Read the full article here: Washington Policy Watch
and please call or comment on the bills to show support: Family and Medical Leave Insurance (HB 1457) and Paid Sick Days (HB 1313)
Update, it just crossed the hurdle: http://waworkandfamily.org/2013/03/01/paid-sick-and-safe-days-clears-hurdle-passes-house-committee/