I don’t often get on my soapbox and use my position as webmaster to advocate for tech issues, but this is one you should be concerned about. Seattle has a pretty terrible broadband internet issue that other major cities seem to lack. The city is divided up into various franchise areas where the cable companies do not compete with each other. This stifles competition and innovation.
To me, high speed broadband access is import for education, business, sharing of ideas, etc. Most people don’t see open technology access as a Democratic issue, but I do.
The approval process to get new broadband equipment placed in a neighborhood from a company other than a cable company is pretty heinous. I’ve been fighting for more competition in the Beacon Hill neighborhood of Seattle for two years. Right now, most of us either go with one of the two big cable companies, or we can’t get reliable high-speed internet services at all. We’re about to meet with the city’s tech committee to discuss the matter in detail. Want to get informed and be part of the discussion?
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 2 PM,City Hall, Council Chamber
Seattle City Council Committee on Public Safety, Civil Rights & Technology,City Hall
600 Fourth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104 Committee Telephone: 206-684-8804, Meeting Listen Line: 206-684-8566
More details on the topic are here: http://www.uptun.org/2013/06/04/neighbors-aim-to-improve-broadband-in-underserved-neighborhoods/