E-board meeting agenda, 7/9/2013

The meeting on Tuesday will be at the Old Georgetown City Hall building at 7pm.  Here’s my agenda:


  • 7pm: Meeting starts
  • 7:05pm: Festivals & Events
    • Renton River Days
      • Other districts contributions
      • Committees
      • Schedule for the festival
  • Summer BBQ, August 10th
    • Outreach
    • Volunteering / food
  • Beacon Hill Council outreach
  • Set Holiday Party date, first Tuesday in December
  • 7:35pm: Open positions
    • Secretary
    • Program director
    • 7:50: Rules changes for our endorsements process
      • No endorsements
      • Discussion: 2 for, 2 against
      • 8:00pm: Next general meeting
        • Gordon Glasgow, PSKS
        • Renton River Days discussion / call for volunteers
        • BBQ discussion / call for volunteers
        • Open positions
        • Resolutions
        • 8:20pm: Newsletter items
        • 8:30pm: adjourn

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