Our next general membership meeting is on Tuesday, 7/16/2013 at Renton Carpenter’s Hall (231 Burnett Ave North, Renton, WA) from 7-9pm.
Here’s the agenda for the meeting:
- 6:30pm: Doors open
- 7:00pm
- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of previous membership meeting minutes
- 7:15pm: Presentation: Peace for the Streets by Kids from the Streets (PSKS), Gordon Glasgow
- 8:00pm: Presentation: Voter Registration, how to do it right, Paula Joneli
- 8:20pm: Open positions discussion
- Secretary
- Program Director
- 8:25pm: Festivals & Events:
- Renton River Days (July 26th – July 28th): We need volunteers!
- Summer BBQ (August 10th)
- Holiday Party: Let’s set the date: Tuesday, December 10th?
- 8:35pm: Raffle
- 8:45pm: Reports – 2 minutes per report
- Treasurer’s Report: Rick Polintan
- WSDCC Report: Kate Kruller / Marvin Rosete
- PCO Team: George Summers / Wayne Severson
- 8:50pm: Good of the Order/Announcements / 2 minutes per speaker
- 9:00pm: adjourn