Sorry I’m a couple of days late:
October 18, 2013
Dear Washington State Democrats,
Today we mourn the passage of Tom Foley, the great Speaker of the US House of Representatives from Spokane, Washington.
Tom Foley was a tower of integrity, power, and understanding. He represented the wheat farmers of Eastern Washington and the urban residents of Spokane, while responding to the needs of the entire nation.
He understood the value of bi-partisan ship and compromise in a way that would baffle the current leadership of the House. Tom Foley was defeated in the 1994 wave that swept Newt Gingrich to power, and Congress has never returned to a tradition of cooperation.
I am grateful that Tom and Heather could be with us last year in Charlotte for the DNC Convention. It was amazing to see such a powerful historical figure joining us for breakfast, then for our group photo, and then on the floor of the convention. He was approachable and gracious to all of our delegation.
We thank you Tom, and hold you out as a model for what a legislator can be.
Dwight Pelz
Chair, Washington State Democratic Party

Tom Foley