Dear Precinct Committee Officer:
Congratulations on your election as a Democratic Precinct Committee Officer (PCO) for the 2015-2016 term and thank you for signing on to the most important position in the Democratic Party. Two of your first opportunities will be to elect the leadership of the King County Democratic Central Committee (KCDCC) and of your own Legislative District organization.
The King County re-organization meeting will be on:
Saturday, December 6, 2014
King County Democratic Central Committee Reorganization
8:30 am registration — 9:00 am call to order
Aerospace Machinists Union Hall
9125 15th Place S, Seattle, WAPlease help us by pre-registering for this online.
Your district, the 11th Legislative District will be having its reorganization meeting on:
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
7:00 PM call to orderRenton Carpenters Hall
231 Burnett Avenue North, Renton, WA
The proposed agenda and rules for the KCDCC reorganization are posted on our website, as are the proposed agenda and rules for the individual LD reorganization meetings.
Each of the District meetings will be convened by either the new King County Chair or his/her designated appointee, who will preside until the election of your next District chair, provide for the sign-in of your district’s PCOs, and make any necessary customizations to your meeting agenda (since not every District has the same set of officers to elect).
Re-organizations are a great opportunity to meet and greet other PCOs, Party members and leaders, and our elected officials. Aside from the usual cascade of local elections, the upcoming term will see elections for all of our state-wide offices and an open US Presidential caucus. We will need to hit the ground running.
Let’s Build, Let’s Grow, Let’s WIN
Yours in service,
Karl de Jong