Campaign Material of Monique Taylor-Swan Inaccurate (We did not endorse her)


Contact: 425-246-4348
Contact Person: Rick Polintan
11th Legislative District Democrats
Email Address:


Campaign Material of Monique Taylor-Swan Inaccurate


Renton, Washington, July 17, 2015 – On July 15, 2015, the 11th Legislative District Democrats found a piece of campaign literature from the Monique Taylor-Swan for Renton City Council campaign that showed our organization endorsed her.  We did NOT endorse her.  The 11th Legislative District Democrats sole-endorsed Ryan McIrvin for Renton City Council Position 4.

The rest of our endorsements for 2015 can be found at:

We asked that Monique Taylor-Swan cease distribution of said campaign materials that states the 11th Legislative District Democrats endorsed her.

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