From the SLOG:
We kinda liked Stephanie Bowman at our 11th Legislative District SECB interview, but gave our endorsement to Rob Holland for a number of reasons, not the least of which being our unease over Bowman’s endorsement by charter schools advocate Stand for Children. Bowman told us she opposed charter schools. But in politics, money tends to follow votes.
Well, since her SECB interview our suspicions have only been further confirmed by generous “independent” expenditures on Bowman’s behalf. Stand for Children has spent $18,749 supporting Bowman, and the pro-charter Education Voters PAC $19,269… both through media consultant Amplified Strategies. In fact, Bowman is by far the number one beneficiary of Stand for Children’s many independent expenditures this cycle on top of the maximum $1,800 they also contributed to her campaign.
Read more at the slog here: