It is absolutely critical that Democrats vote in November.
Michelle Obama made a personal plea to all Democrats to pledge to vote. National pundits are plain spoken – “This is going to be a voter turnout election.”
What I’m asking you to do today is to help us out. We need to make sure that every one of you is with us on Election Day. Take the warnings about “a voter turnout election” seriously, and respond to Michelle Obama’s plea to pledge to vote.
Click here and pledge to vote today
Republicans are working frantically, promoting efforts aimed at disenfranchising Democratic-leaning groups.
Voter intimidation tactics in key states like Ohio and Florida are documented every day. There has been a rash of new laws that can and will be aggressively used by Republicans to suppress voter participation.
Republicans working to suppress voter turnout? Go figure. We Democrats take a different approach. We are working overtime to get more people to vote with our massive Voter Turnout program.
Don’t let Republican voter suppression efforts work in our state.
Please make your pledge to vote today, and then send the Washington State Democratic Party a small donation for our Voter Turnout effort.
Your contribution will allow us to proceed with a full-scale Voter Turnout effort in the next six weeks.
This is a very big deal. We need your help with both your pledge to vote and a small donation to make it work.
Dwight Pelz
Washington State Democrats Chair
P.S. You know what’s at stake this year. There are important races in our state where voter turnout will make the critical difference. Support our Voter Turnout program TODAY with your pledge and a personal donation.
Contributions are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.
Paid for by Washington State Democratic Central Committee
615 Second Ave., Seattle, WA 98104 – (206) 583-0664-
Not authorized by any federal candidate or candidate’s committee
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