We have posted our rules for the endorsements meeting occurring Saturday, May 18th 2013. A PDF document of the rules can be found here: FINAL Endorsement Meeting Rules 5-18-13
The meeting will be at 231 Burnett Ave North, Renton WA. Doors open at 8:30am, the process begins at 9am.
The rules are below:
11th LD 2013 Endorsement Meeting Rules and Procedures
Section One: Rules
- These Rules shall apply to the selection of any candidate for public office who seeks the endorsement of the 11th District Democrats and to the endorsement of a position on a ballot measure.
- The decision of the Chair with respect to any question of interpretation of these rules is final.
Section Two: Candidates
- To be eligible for endorsement for election to a partisan office, a candidate must publicly identify himself or herself to be a Democrat and must have filled out an 11th LD questionnaire and participated in an interview by the Endorsement Committee.
- To be eligible for endorsement for election to a non-partisan office, a candidate must demonstrate Democratic values and must have filled out an 11th LD questionnaire and participated in an interview by the Endorsement Committee.
Section Three: Balloting and Voting
- For any office in which a single candidate is eligible for endorsement, the membership may dispense with balloting and endorse by acclamation.
- Each 11th LD Member will vote by secret ballot. Candidates and campaign staff who are members of the 11th LD Democrats will be allowed to vote at the endorsement meeting in their own races, as well as other races.
- The results shall be tallied and reported to the Chair. No person associated with a campaign may be permitted to participate in the tallying of ballots.
- A ballot will be considered spoiled if: a) no candidate is selected; b) more than one candidate is selected for that race; c) a candidate not up for endorsement is written in. Spoiled ballots will not be counted as a vote.
- No nominations will be considered from the floor of candidates who did not submit an 11th LD questionnaire and participate in an interview by the 11th LD Endorsement Committee. Nor will calls for reconsideration votes be considered.
- No proxy or absentee ballots/votes will be considered.
- Endorsement of any candidate or issue shall require a two-thirds majority of those members present and voting.
- If 2/3s is not achieved on the first ballot, the top four (4) will move to a second ballot.
- If 2/3s is not achieved by any one candidate, the top three (3) will move to a third ballot.
- If 2/3s is not achieved by any one candidate, the top two (2) will move to a fourth ballot.
- If 2/3s is still not achieved, a motion from the floor for a dual endorsement will be entertained.
- If 2/3s is still not achieved, no endorsement will be made in that particular race.
- Final endorsement results will be posted on the 11th LD website within 48-hours of the endorsement meeting.
Section Four: Speeches
- Each candidate and/or the candidate’s representative(s) will be entitled to address the membership for no more than two (2) minutes.
- If a candidate or candidate representative is not able to attend the meeting, the Chair will allow one (1) member of the 11th LD Democrats to speak on behalf of the candidate for no more than two (2) minutes.
- If only one candidate is considered for endorsement, the Chair will allow one (1) member of the 11th LD Democrats to speak in favor of making no endorsement. The speaker in favor of “no endorsement” will be entitled to address the membership for no more than two (2) minutes.
Section Five: Voting Eligibility
- To be eligible to vote on endorsements, a member: a) is a registered voter, b) resides within the 11th Legislative District c) is a declared Democrat, and d) is either an elected or appointed PCO or has paid current annual dues at least four weeks prior to the endorsement meeting date.
Mayor of Seattle
Seattle City Council
Seattle City Attorney
King County Executive
King County Council
Port of Seattle
Tukwila City Council
Kent City Council
Races that are not considered at this meeting may be considered at future membership meetings provided members are notified at least five (5) days in advance of the meeting, in accordance with the 11th LD Democrats by-laws.