It’s 2017 membership renewal time!

Hey 11th LD Democrats…  renewals for your memberships are due by February.  Stay current on your membership and help support us!  Here are some options:

We are encouraging renewing and new members to be a monthly contributor!

  • $5 / month:  You are a member and are awesome (includes a second membership)

  • $10 / month:  You are a member with bragging rights (also includes a second membership)

We also offer our old rates, but please consider a monthly membership payment if you can afford it.
  • $27 / year:  Regular household membership (2 memberships)
  • $15 / year:  Individual membership
  • $10 / year:  Student / senior individual membership
  • $6 / year:  Low income / disabled membership


You can pay for your membership in one of the following ways:

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