Robert Kangas

I'm the volunteer webmaster for the 11th LD Democrats. I'm a software engineer by day, photographer by night.

Most commented posts

  1. Endorsements 2012 — 3 comments
  2. General Meeting – Food — 2 comments
  3. 11th LD Summer Picnic – 8/18/2012 — 1 comments
  4. Top Democrats refuse to schedule votes on Family and Medical Leave, Sick Days — 1 comments
  5. Newsletter – March 2013 — 1 comments

Author's posts

Seattle City Council Passes Paid Sick Leave

From the Slog: This afternoon, after months of debate and despite continuing hesitancy from some council members, the Seattle City Council voted eight to one in favor of passing an amended ordinance that will empower Seattle employees to begin earning paid sick time off, starting September 1, 2012. Council president Richard Conlin voted against the legislation. “Today …

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Newsletter – September 2011

The September 2011 newsletter can be found here: 2011_09_September

Obama Jobs Speech

Watch the Obama Jobs Speech from 9/8/2011: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Sick Leave – Industry Lobbies Are Trying Four Tactics to Undermine a Bill Designed to Help Seattle Workers

From the Slog: On Monday, September 12, the Seattle City Council is slated to vote on legislation that would require all Seattle employers to offer up to 72 hours of annual paid sick leave to the 190,000 full-time workers in the city who currently lack that benefit. Not only useful when they’re ill, a worker …

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PCO Elections

From Natalie McClendon: Attached is a memo from me outlining an approach to legislation for 2012 to address the matter of PCO elections, in the wake of the ruling on the Top Two Primary. I am proposing that the Party consider online voting for PCO’s. I propose that the Executive Board discuss this on Friday, …

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Three Charts to Email to Your Right-Wing Brother-In-Law

Problem: Your right-wing brother-in-law is plugged into the FOX-Limbaugh lie machine, and keeps sending you emails about “Obama spending” and “Obama deficits” and how the “Stimulus” just made things worse. Solution: Here are three “reality-based” charts to send to him. These charts show what actually happened. Spending More here:  Truth-Out

Where pay for chief executives tops the company tax burden

At least 25 top United States companies paid more to their chief executives in 2010 than they did to the federal government in taxes, according to a study released on Wednesday. The chief executives of those companies were paid an average of more than $16 million a year, the study found, a figure substantially higher …

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Redistricting Proposals to be Unveiled on Sept. 13

The Washington State Redistricting Commission—tasked with drawing up new voting districts at the congressional level to accommodate Washington State’s new 10th District and, as they do every 10 years, tweak state-level legislative districts—will unveil its plans on September 13. The group has until June 2012 to finalize the new districts. More details are here:  Publicola

Bob Hasegawa, legislator of the year

Congrats to Bob Hasegawa, who was named a legislator of the year by the WSLC.

Public issues survey

If you live in the unincorporated areas of King County, then the county is your local service provider. That means you need a voice on issues and concerns unique to your community. Creating more opportunities for public input is what the next round of forums is all about. In July, the King County Council created …

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Picnic reminder

Just a reminder… the 11th LD Democrats’ annual picnic is this Sunday at noon.  Please join us and enjoy some food, music, and plenty of awesome Democratic fun!  Details are here:

Sen. Prentice’s e-newsletter 8/19/2011

Elect Dr. Mary Alice Heuschel

The candidate who has pledged to keep the hospital public is trailing in the primary—the candidate who wants to sell off the assets of Public hospital district #1 is ahead. In order to win in the general election in a low-turnout odd-numbered year, Dr. Mary Alice Heuschel needs financial support and volunteers to doorbell and …

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2011 Endorsements

I’ve updated our endorsements list for the general election.

Events feed

Have you ever wanted to subscribe to just our events in RSS?  Now, you can.  Check out the link at the right of the 11th LD web page or use this address in your RSS reader:

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