Robert Kangas

I'm the volunteer webmaster for the 11th LD Democrats. I'm a software engineer by day, photographer by night.

Most commented posts

  1. Endorsements 2012 — 3 comments
  2. General Meeting – Food — 2 comments
  3. 11th LD Summer Picnic – 8/18/2012 — 1 comments
  4. Top Democrats refuse to schedule votes on Family and Medical Leave, Sick Days — 1 comments
  5. Newsletter – March 2013 — 1 comments

Author's posts

Newsletter – May 2011

The newsletter for May 2011 has been posted.  View it here:  2011_05_May

34th District Democrats host City Council candidates’ forum

From the West Seattle Blog:   Campaign season is under way. Two Seattle City Council candidates were at Tuesday night’sAdmiral Neighborhood Association meeting – Position 1 candidate Michael Taylor-Judd and Position 9 candidate Dian Ferguson – and last night, one dozen candidates appeared before our area’s biggest political organization, the 34th District Democrats. Our video shows …

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Dian Ferguson’s website is live!

Dian Ferguson is running for Seattle City Council, position 9.  Her campaign website just went live.  Check it out here: She is running against incumbent Sally Clark (

May 14th Food Drive

11th LD Democrats Legislative Action Committee Representative and letter carrier emeritus Don Bennett asks us to remember to leave non-perishable food items in a plastic bag in your mailbox for the May 14th food drive.  Details here: Thanks!

Senator Margarita Prentice Newsletter – 5/6/2011

Dear Friends and Neighbors: The second week of “Special Session” is almost complete.  Some good bills have passed and sent to the Governor.  Others are still being debated, reworked and the budget discussions continue. Robo calls and e-mails are still challenging the voice and e-mail systems. The most popular issues in random order are: foreclosure …

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Obama order could make corporate political spending public

From the LA Times: A lobbying battle is raging largely behind the scenes over a seemingly obscure executive order that could — if signed by President Obama — make public the political spending that many corporations can now keep secret. Under the proposed order, all companies bidding for federal contracts would be required to disclose money …

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McKenna Mimics Walker On Paid Sick Leave

From the Slog: Speaking to the Seattle Restaurant Alliance this week, as reported on the Washington Restaurant Association’s own website, the state Attorney General even offered his office’s assistance in opposing Seattle’s proposed paid sick leave proposal: [Y]ou’ve certainly got your work cut out for you in Olympia, not to mention in Seattle now with this …

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Wisconsin Dems Flip GOP Seat in State House Special Election

Posted on the Slog… a prediction of things to come in the next major election cycle?: MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Democrat Steve Doyle defeated Republican John Lautz for the Wisconsin District 94 Assembly, flipping a seat held by Republicans for 16 years in a race that focused attention on Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s plan to …

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Letter accompanying resolutions sent to congressmembers

Representative Adam Smith 2209 Pacific Ave, Suite B Tacoma, Washington 98402 Dear Representative Smith: Enclosed find two resolutions passed by the 11th Legislative District Democrats protesting proposed cuts in Social Security Administration funding and elimination of Medicare in favor of vouchers.

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Osama Bin Laden is dead

Nearly 10 years after 9/11/2001, Osama Bin Laden is dead.  He was killed by US forces in Pakistan.  Thank you to our armed forces, our intelligence agencies, our allies, and President Obama for bringing Bin Laden to justice.  

2012 Delegate Selection Plan

Yesterday, the WSDCC passed the 2012 Caucus Plan. Here are the relevant information that everyone should know. Although we will possibly be in new districts in 2012, the plan will use the current districts. So, if you reside in the 1st CD today, but in the 10th in 2012, you will still caucus with the …

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Studies: Rich don’t flee high tax states

Every time there’s a discussion to increase taxes on the rich, people always claim that the rich would flee the state if that happened. I recall hearing this over and over again, including in Washington state. NPR did a story on this that disputes that argument.  Maybe we can have an intelligent discussion on a …

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Public reaction to the Republican budget

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Public meeting on King County Council redistricting

Please join the King County Districting Committee at an upcoming community meeting about redrawing King County Council districts. The meetings are an opportunity to learn about how population has shifted in King County and to share your ideas and priorities for Council redistricting, which must be done to equalize population following each U.S. Census. Monday, …

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King County Democrats Picnic

Sunday, July 31 · 4:00pm – 7:00pm Lower Woodland Park Shelter #1 1000 N 50th St. Seattle, WA 98103

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