Category: Endorsements

11th LD Endorsements

Our endorsement meeting will be on Tuesday, June 17th at Renton Carpenter’s Hall.  231 Burnett Ave N, Renton.  Doors will open at 630. Meeting start at 7. For candidates & campaigns: KCDCC completed questionnaire required to be considered.

Endorsements – General Election 2013 (Updated 9/17/2013)

Our downloadable, printable list is located here: 11th LD 2013 Endorsements 09172013 11th Legislative District Democrats – Endorsements 2013 (updated 9/17/2013) City of Seattle Mayor: Mike McGinn ( Mayor: Ed Murray ( Council Position 2: Richard Conlin ( Council Position 4: Sally Bagshaw ( Council Position 6: Nick Licata ( Council Position 8: Mike O’Brien ( …

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Endorsements – Primary 2013 (Updated 6/18/2013)

Our downloadable, printable list is located here: 11th LD 2013 Endorsements 06182013 11th Legislative District Democrats – Endorsements 2013 (updated 6/18/2013) City of Seattle Mayor: Bruce Harrell ( Mayor: Peter Steinbrueck ( Council Position 2: Richard Conlin ( Council Position 4: Sally Bagshaw ( Council Position 6: Nick Licata ( Council Position 8: Mike O’Brien ( …

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11th LD 2013 Endorsement Meeting Rules and Procedures

We have posted our rules for the endorsements meeting occurring Saturday, May 18th 2013.  A PDF document of the rules can be found here: FINAL Endorsement Meeting Rules 5-18-13 The meeting will be at 231 Burnett Ave North, Renton WA.  Doors open at 8:30am, the process begins at 9am.   The rules are below: 11th LD …

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11th LD Primary Endorsements Meeting – May 18th, 2013

11th LD MEETING – SATURDAY, MAY 18   We will hold their Candidate Endorsement Meeting on SATURDAY, May 18th, from 9:00 AM to Noon at the Renton Carpenter’s Hall, 231 Burnett Ave N, Renton, WA   At our Saturday endorsement meeting we will consider candidates for Kent City Council King County Council Port of Seattle Seattle Mayor Seattle …

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In order to vote at our Endorsements meeting

Our endorsements meeting will be on May 18th.  I’ll post the details on the calendar soon. To be able to vote in the endorsement process, you must be a dues-paying member or a PCO no later than April 18, 2013.  You must also be a resident of the legislative district.

To all candidates and campaigns seeking our endorsement

Hey all, to anybody seeking our endorsement this year: We’ve sent you electronic copies of our rules and questionnaire forms.  If you haven’t received a copy, here’s the forms: 11th Legislative District Democrats Cover Letter 11th LD Democrats 2013 Endorsement Rules and Procedures for Candidates 11th LD 2013 Candidate Questionnaire Final Also, we are allowing …

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Ballots are in the mail!

Ballots should begin to arrive in our mailboxes today.  Need help deciding who to vote for?  Here are the 11th LD’s endorsements: And… the Washington State Democrats posted their personal endorsements finder.  Check it out!

Updated Endorsements, 10/5/2012

I just updated our list of endorsements for 2012.  The list can be found here: We have a handful of new people, initiatives, propositions, etc.  Check it out.

11th LD Endorsements

Since the Primary is upon us (and ballots are due by Tuesday, 8/7), I’m reposting a link to our endorsements: Can’t think of who to vote for?  Check out our endorsements.

Endorsements 2012

Our downloadable, printable endorsements list is here:  11th LD 2012 Endorsements 10042012   11th Legislative District Democrats – Endorsements 2012 US President Barack Obama and Joe Biden (, endorsed April 2012 US Senator Maria Cantwell (, endorsed April 2012 US Representative Jim McDermott – Congressional District 7 ( , endorsed April 2012 Karen Porterfield – Congressional District 8 (,  endorsed May …

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Endorsements 6/19/2012

The 11th Legislative District Democrats has made the following endorsements tonight: Seattle Prop 1 (Yes Seattle Libraries Levy) – – Endorsed John Ladenburg (State Supreme Court) – – Endorsed West Hill Annexation (City of Renton) – – Endorsed Steve Gonzalez (State Surpeme Court) – – Endorsed


The 11th LD Democrats have voted to make the following endorsements tonight (4/17/2012) President: Barack Obama Governor: Jay Inslee US Senator: Maria Cantwell US Representative, CD 7, Jim McDermott State Auditor: Craig Pridemore Attorney General: Bob Ferguson State Representative, Position 1: Zack Hudgins State Representative, Position 2: Bobby Virk State Representative, Position 2, Steven Bergquist …

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General Meeting is tonight

Just as a reminder, our general membership meeting is tonight.  It’s at the usual time (7pm, 4/17) and location (Renton Carpenters’ Hall).  Tonight, the Endorsements Committee will present its recommendations.

Zack Hudgins Endorsement

Congrats to Zack Hudgins!  He just received the sole endorsement from the 11th LD Democrats for his run for Secretary of State in 2012.

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