From The Maddow Blog: Dane County Circuit Judge Maryann Sumi ruled Thursday that Republican legislators violated Wisconsin’s open meetings law during the run up to passage. She says that renders the law void. More details here:
Category: Issues
Issues parent category
May 25
US National Debt
May 25
Washington says no thanks to Kucinich
From Public Policy Polling: There’s been a lot of discussion about the possibility of Dennis Kucinich moving to Washington and running for office there next year but there’s just one little problem- voters there don’t want him to, not even Democrats. Part of that’s because he’s not popular in the state with only 19% of …
May 24
Medical Marijuana Bill is dead
As you may remember, our former-late KCDCC committeeman, Dennis Moyers (2009_06_June newsletter), was an advocate for medical marijuana. He worked hard to try to make progress in this area. It’s sad to see the way things have turned out… From the Slog: The sponsor of a second medical-marijuana bill, Sen Jeanne Kohl-Welles, throws in the …
May 16
10 Republican Lies About the Bush Tax Cuts
From Crooks & Liars: So it’s come down to this. On Saturday, David Stockman, the legendary Reagan budget chief who presided over the Gipper’s supply-side tax cuts, announced that the “debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party’s embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that …
May 10
Obama order could make corporate political spending public
From the LA Times: A lobbying battle is raging largely behind the scenes over a seemingly obscure executive order that could — if signed by President Obama — make public the political spending that many corporations can now keep secret. Under the proposed order, all companies bidding for federal contracts would be required to disclose money …
May 06
McKenna Mimics Walker On Paid Sick Leave
From the Slog: Speaking to the Seattle Restaurant Alliance this week, as reported on the Washington Restaurant Association’s own website, the state Attorney General even offered his office’s assistance in opposing Seattle’s proposed paid sick leave proposal: [Y]ou’ve certainly got your work cut out for you in Olympia, not to mention in Seattle now with this …
May 03
Letter accompanying resolutions sent to congressmembers
Representative Adam Smith 2209 Pacific Ave, Suite B Tacoma, Washington 98402 Dear Representative Smith: Enclosed find two resolutions passed by the 11th Legislative District Democrats protesting proposed cuts in Social Security Administration funding and elimination of Medicare in favor of vouchers.
May 01
Osama Bin Laden is dead
Nearly 10 years after 9/11/2001, Osama Bin Laden is dead. He was killed by US forces in Pakistan. Thank you to our armed forces, our intelligence agencies, our allies, and President Obama for bringing Bin Laden to justice.
Apr 29
Studies: Rich don’t flee high tax states
Every time there’s a discussion to increase taxes on the rich, people always claim that the rich would flee the state if that happened. I recall hearing this over and over again, including in Washington state. NPR did a story on this that disputes that argument. Maybe we can have an intelligent discussion on a …
Apr 27
Public reaction to the Republican budget
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Apr 26
Public meeting on King County Council redistricting
Please join the King County Districting Committee at an upcoming community meeting about redrawing King County Council districts. The meetings are an opportunity to learn about how population has shifted in King County and to share your ideas and priorities for Council redistricting, which must be done to equalize population following each U.S. Census. Monday, …
Apr 25
Commitment to Better & Best: Washington’s Public Schools
Renton Community Foundation’s “Maxwell Fund for Youth & Families” invites you to: COMMITMENT TO BETTER & BEST: WASHINGTON’S PUBLIC SCHOOLS Presented by Bill Daggett, Ed.D, nationally recognized educator, speaker, and CEO of the International Center for Leadership in Education. Dr. Daggett knows – our state’s education system, federal education mandates, current issues and trends – and he will share what all students …
Apr 22
News from Congressman Adam Smith
For those of you in the 9th Congressional District part of the 11th LD: Smith Supports Access to Healthcare With the passage of the budget following extensive negotiations, disagreements over access to healthcare continue to be a sticking point in the House of Representatives. Following a vote on the budget, the House took up two …