Category: Issues

Issues parent category

State Bank – December Update

From Bob Hasegawa: I know many of you have been calling and emailing to try to find out what is happening with the state bank proposal. Firstly, thank you for your enthusiasm and willingness to help make this a reality. Many of you have been working hard in your communities to help spread the word …

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How to Start Participatory Budgeting in Your City

From Have you noticed all the cuts being made to your city budget? To schools and libraries, fire fighters and social services, and other public spending? Think you could do a better job managing the budget? Soon, you may have that chance. Through a process called “participatory budgeting”, residents of over 1,000 cities around …

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Remember to vote

Election day is just a few short days a way.  Remember to vote.  Your envelope must be postmarked by Tuesday, November 8th.  You can also drop your ballot off at a King County Ballot Return box. Just as a reminder, the 11th LD Democrats endorsed candidates list is posted here:

SeaTac elections

From Stefan Moritz (UniteHere Local 8): The City of SeaTac is facing a defining city council election and the community needs your help in ensuring victory in the coming days. There is exactly one week left until election day on November 8! Volunteer with us to GET OUT THE VOTE in SeaTac! Join us to …

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Social Security Works WA

From Social Security Works WA: At our meeting today, we made further plans for the UW forum on Nov. 21st. We are asking all of the coalition members to focus on turn out for this forum. We have amazing speakers: Terry O’Neill, national president of NOW; Rep. Jim McDermott; and former King County Executive Ron …

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The Future of Transportation by Jim Flynn

People born during WW II have seen rapid response to changes in technology.  For example, electric clothes dryers, television, transistors, Programmable Controllers, Mobile Phones, Robotics, CDs, PCs, Flash Drives, iPads, BioMed and a plethora of hardware and

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Biofuels resolution

A resolution on biofuels will be discussed at the October general meeting:  2011-7 Biofuels resolution

Budget Cuts Rapid Response Team

From Anne Martens: We are putting together a media rapid response team to focus on state budget cuts and revenue options. We will create a new email list and will ask people who opt-in to help us respond to news articles and blog posts by writing comments online and writing letters to the editor.

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Phonebanks to defeat Tim Eyman’s I-1125

Fuse is organizing phonebanks to defeat Tim Eyman’s I-1125. As you may have heard, 1125 is Eyman’s latest scheme to paralyze public services and wreck government. It would block Sound Transit’s voter approved light rail project and jeopardize the completion of the new SR 520 bridge and other projects. We need your help to educate …

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It Isn’t Written by Jim Flynn

Jacques Derrida (1930-2004) described a process of reading text called deconstruction.  Part of the procedure maintains, what the wording doesn’t say reveals more about its meaning than what is written.  Jacques’ critics maintain that his philosophy weakens the division between truth and falsehood. When modern journalism is taken into consideration, that distinction between truth and

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Paradigm Shift Needed in WA State Tax Structure by Jim Flynn

Republicans and Democrats agree on one thing, we need a paradigm shift in our state tax structure to avoid the revenue shortfall and budget cuts to education and the social safety net funding disaster we experienced this year.  Still, the electorate is in the dark about sources of revenue for Washington.

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Phonebank opportunities for No on 1183

From the No on 1183 campaign: Because your legislative district or organization has endorsed the No on 1183 campaign (or is considering endorsing), I wanted to let you know about the plans we have to get the word out about Costco’s latest liquor privatization initiative and most importantly, how you can help! As you know, …

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Redistricting for the 11th Legislative District by Jim Flynn

 If you are going to try to make sense of redistricting then you are in for a wild ride.  You can find all the information, including maps at the Redistricting Commission web site:

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Washington State Redistricting Commission draft plans

The Washington State Redistricting Commission has posted their draft plans for redistricting.  Details & maps can be found here:

Seattle City Council Passes Paid Sick Leave

From the Slog: This afternoon, after months of debate and despite continuing hesitancy from some council members, the Seattle City Council voted eight to one in favor of passing an amended ordinance that will empower Seattle employees to begin earning paid sick time off, starting September 1, 2012. Council president Richard Conlin voted against the legislation. “Today …

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