Bob Hasegawa, who received near unanimous support at our last membership meeting for early endorsement, is hosting a kick-off celebration for his re-election on Sunday, May 15th between 2pm and 4pm at the IAM (Machinists) Union Hall at 9121 15th Pl S, Seattle, Washington 98108. For more information, visit:
Category: Blog
Apr 28
2016 11th LD Caucus Caucus Results
Below are the results from our 2016 Legislative District Caucus. Congratulations to all of our newly elected delegates! Congressional District 8 – Clinton (1 Delegate, 1 Alternate) Richard W. Upton (Delegate) Margaret A. Monaghan (Alternate) Congressional District 8 – Sanders (3 Delegates, 1 Alternate) Sabrena McBride (Delegate) Andrew Whittey (Delegate) Ravinunt Andrew Sudangnoi (Delegate) …
Apr 18
11th LD General Meeting Agenda (4/19/2016)
11th Legislative District Democrats Membership Meeting Carpenters’ Union Hall 231 Burnett Ave N, Renton, WA 98057 Tuesday, April 19, 2016 7:00 – 9:00 PM Agenda Pledge of allegiance Approval of meeting agenda Approval of March 15, 2016 meeting minutes Candidate speakers: …
Apr 16
LD Caucus (4/17/2016 @ 1pm), Rules and Credentials meetings
The caucus itself will begin at 1pm at the IAM District 751 Union Hall, 9135 – 15th Pl So, Seattle. Before the meeting, we will have a meeting of the rules and credentials committees starting at 12pm. If you want to show up, the meeting is open to the public. We will again go …
Feb 18
Presidential Precinct Caucus Simulation update
FYI, we have cancelled the event on the 20th because of a joint district townhall. We will reschedule that one when we have a date / time. We will still be holding the event on the 27th. Sorry about any inconvenience.
Jan 19
Meeting Agenda 1/19/2016 7:00pm
231 Burnett Ave N, Renton WA at 7:00 pm on 1/19/2016 11th Legislative District Democrats Membership Meeting January 19, 2016 7:00pm AGENDA 7:00pm Call to order 7:01pm Pledge of Allegiance 7:05pm Approval of meeting agenda 7:07pm Approval of November 17, 2015 meeting minutes 7:10pm Discussion on SOTU 7:20pm Appointment of Campaign point …
Oct 06
Event to support Lloyd Hara, King County Assessor (Oct 8, 2015)
You Are Invited To: O’Asian Kitchen + Lounge An event to support King County Assessor Lloyd Hara Thursday, October 8, 2015 5:00pm – 7:00pm O’Asian is located at 800 Fifth Avenue, Seattle (Between Marion and Columbia) Free parking* under building after 4:30pm with restaurant validation Enter parking on the Columbia Street side of the block …
Jul 17
Campaign Material of Monique Taylor-Swan Inaccurate (We did not endorse her)
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: 425-246-4348 Contact Person: Rick Polintan 11th Legislative District Democrats Email Address: Campaign Material of Monique Taylor-Swan Inaccurate Renton, Washington, July 17, 2015 – On July 15, 2015, the 11th Legislative District Democrats found a piece of campaign literature from the Monique Taylor-Swan for Renton City Council campaign that showed …
Jun 16
Endorsements meeting reminder: Tuesday, June 16th 2015
A reminder: Our primary endorsements meeting will be on Tuesday, June 16th at Renton Carpenter’s Hall at 7pm. (231 Burnett Ave N) Important things to note: Are you eligible to vote? You must be an active member (with a 2015 paid membership as of our May meeting). Or… you must be an elected or appointed PCO. …
Jun 12
11th LD Pre-Primary PCO Training
CALLING ALL PCO’s to attend the 11th District Dem’s Pre-Primary Voter Engagement Training scheduled Saturday, July 18th, 9:30-12:00 p.m. at the Renton Carpenters Hall. Featuring guest speaker Erin Cheuvront, former Statewide FIeld Director of the SDCC, and others! Coffee and Lunch provided by 11th District Dems. Please RSVP to Toshiko at by Saturday, July …
May 13
South King County Democrats Spaghetti Dinner
Just a reminder, the South King County Democrats Spaghetti Dinner is this Saturday at the IAM Hall in South Park. Details: Iam District Lodge 751 9121 15th Pl S, Seattle, Washington 98108 5pm
Apr 20
4/21/2015 General Meeting – Proposed Agenda
PART 1 – Starting Activities 1. Flag Salute 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes from last meeting (where available) 4. Chair’s Report a. Endorsement Meeting – Tuesday, June 16, 2015 PART 2 – Community Updates 1. Community Updates – US Congressman Adam Smith’s Office. 2. Community Updates – Other local elected officials …
Mar 11
Proposed 11th LD Endorsement Rules for 2015
We will be considering our endorsement rules for 2015 at the 3/17/2015 meeting. Please review the rules before voting on them at the meeting: Rules: 11th Endorsement Rules – Draft 03-10-2015