Category: Newsletters

Reorganization & GM Minutes, January 15th 2013

The minutes from the Reorganization & General Meeting on January 15th 2013 have been posted.  You can view them here:  11th LD Democrats Re-Org and GM Minutes, Jan 15, 2013

Zack Hudgins Newsletter – March 2013

In case you didn’t get it, State Rep. Zack Hudgins sent out his newsletter.  You can find a PDF version of it here (sorry about the conversion from the email): zackhudgins_newsletter_march2013

Top Democrats refuse to schedule votes on Family and Medical Leave, Sick Days

Legislators are dragging their heels on two bills that will help rebuild Washington’s middle class and save tax dollars. What gives? Two top Democrats, chairs of the House Finance and House AppropriationsCommittees, are refusing to schedule votes on the Family and Medical Leave Insurance (HB 1457) and Paid Sick Days (HB 1313) bills in front of their respective …

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Open States: A great tool to track what’s going on in the Legislature

Open States is a great tool for tracking what’s going on in the Legislature: Bills, Meetings, Committees: Finding your Legislators.  There’s even a free app for iPhones and iPads: Thanks Christopher Anderson!  

WA State Legislature: See which bills our Legislators are sponsoring

Finding out which bills our Legislators are sponsoring this session is easy.  Here’s how you do it: Find your legislator on this website:  For House members, click here: For Senators, click here: Find your Legislator’s name and click on it Click on the Bill Sponsorship link You will now see the bills this Legislator sponsored.

WA State Legislature: How to comment on a bill

As of this 2013 session, the public can now comment on bills under consideration in the state legislature.  This is incredibly useful, as many of us don’t have the time to venture down to Olympia to give in-person opinions on laws under consideration.  Here’s how you do it: Go to the Legislature’s website: Click on …

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Bylaws Update 2/19/2013

Last night, we voted to update our bylaws.  The update just contains some minor housekeeping (cleaning up a few lines of data that didn’t belong anymore… basically, old dates and page numbers). The updated bylaws are viewable here: Stay tuned for future updates from our rules & bylaws committee.

Progressive Radio in Seattle Update & Petition, 2-19-13

Subject: Progressive Radio in Seattle Update, 2-19-13 Meeting with a KPTK Insider Our Progressive Radio in Seattle (PRS) Team had a meeting this past week with a former advertising sales person for KPTK who provided us with some interesting information about the demise of 1090 Progressive Talk. 1090 has been owned by CBS since its …

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Pavone Announces Candidacy for 2013 Renton City Council Race

Current Renton City Councilman Rich Zwicker said he’ll step down at the end of 2013 and endorsed Pavone as his replacement. From the Renton Patch:

Reminder: General membership meeting is Tuesday, 2/19/2013

Just a reminder, our general membership meeting is on Tuesday, 2/19/2013. Show up at 6:45 and get some food.  Yup, we’re bringing back food.  We’re serving a baked ziti pasta dish, salad, bread, and pie.  We’re suggesting a $6 donation to offset the costs. The raffle is back.  Buy some tickets, try to win a …

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Meetings: We’re bringing back two things… the raffle and food

Great news everyone, for our general membership meetings, we’re bringing back two things you loved.  The raffle and food.  The next general meeting is on Tuesday, February 19th. For the raffle: we could use some help.  First, please participate.  Second, we could also use some help in donating prizes.  If you have anything that’d make a …

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Rob Holland resigns from Port of Seattle Commission

Rob Holland, member of the 11th LD, is resigning from the Port of Seattle Commission.  This means the Commission will appoint a second commissioner until November. The public will have two opportunities to listen to and interact with Commission candidates at public meetings: 6 p.m. on Feb. 26 at the Downtown Seattle Public Library and …

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Grassroots Forum Schedule – 2/18/2013

To those of you attending the Grassroots Forum in Olympia on 2/18/2013, Kate was kind enough to send a copy of the schedule.  You can view it here: grassroots forum schedule 02182013

WSDCC Meeting Report – February 3, 2013

WSDCC Meeting  Report – February 3, 2013 By Kate Kruller 11th LD WSDCC State Committee Woman   Every other year (the odd years) the State Party holds its re-organization meeting.  Spirits were very high within the WSDCC membership coming off very successful election results in November. Everyone is very pleased to have a Democratic President, Governor, …

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Election Deadline: 2/12/2013

Just a reminder.  For those of you who live in Seattle… there’s a special election going on.  The deadline to vote is Tuesday, 2/12/2013.  Your ballot must be postmarked by 2/12/2013 or drop your ballot off at one of the drop locations: Details on the special election can be found here:

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