Category: Newsletters

Congratulations to the 11th Legislative District Democrats

King County Democrats Get Out The Vote Drive!

King County Democrats Campaign News Nov 1, 2012 King County Democrats Get Out The Vote Drive! We are in the final five days of the 2012 ELECTION. Ballots must be postmarked and mailed by Nov 6th to be valid and counted. There are many close races up and down the ballot! Click here to see …

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American Heart Association Heart & Stroke Walk

I will be taking a vacation day from work to do some important work.Help Save Lives! Most of the work that I have to do by October the 20th will already need to be done. This why I’m asking for your important help to Pledge support for this much needed cause. In 1979 at …

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Newsletter – October 2012

The October 2012 newsletter is now available.  You can view it here:  2012-10-October

Help Big Bird…

Big Bird

11th LD Executive Board meeting

NOTICE: 11th LD Executive Board meeting is this Thursday October 4, 2012 at 7:00 pm at the Renton Carpenter’s Hall 2nd & Bernette Azziem Hassan Underwood, Chair 11th Legislative District & 8th CD “Salt Off The Fries” Meizza_Me Production =================================== 425-652-9549 Cell & Text Please don’t print this unless you really need to.

Critical that Democrats vote in November

It is absolutely critical that Democrats vote in November. Michelle Obama made a personal plea to all Democrats to pledge to vote. National pundits are plain spoken – “This is going to be a voter turnout election.” What I’m asking you to do today is to help us out. We need to make sure that …

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Newsletter – September 2012

The newsletter for September 2012 has been posted.  You can view it here:  2012-09-September

Prentice earns multiple recognitions and new appointment Legislator eases into retirement

When a new 11th District senator is sworn in on Jan. 14, it will signal the end of Sen. Margarita Prentice’s nearly 25-year legislative career.  The esteemed matriarch is currently the oldest legislator and will retire at the age of 81. In recent weeks, several organizations have recognized her significant efforts on their behalf: The …

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Mitt Romney-Paul Ryan vision harks back to the days of Taft,0,3544670.story Republicans Mitt Romney and Paul D. Ryan should be running in 1912. (David Horsey / Los Angeles Times / August 13, 2012)

Newsletter – August 2012

The newsletter for August 2012 has been posted.  Read it here:  2012-08-August Also,there’s no monthly meeting in August, just the summer BBQ.  We hope to see you there!

CAN event VASS

Hi Team, A Hi Team, A CANVASS event is tomorrow Saturday July 21. Please meet Vincent at Renton Village Starbucks, 601 South Grady Way, Renton, WA at 10:30 am for his orientation and to get your “Walk Packets.” The Team will canvass from 11 am to 4 pm. If you don’t finish your Walk Packet …

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Five upcoming local campaign events

I’m writing to encourage you to join me and GET INVOLVED in local political activities this summer. It is easy and fun. Below is a list of five upcoming local campaign events I am hosting or co-hosting for other Democratic candidates in the next three weeks. If you are willing to join me at one …

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Medicare Birthday Party event

Dear Friends: On July 28th, Medicare celebrates its 47th Birthday. Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid are the “crown jewels” of our national social insurance system. Despite widespread public support, politicians in Wasshington DC want to privatize or outright eliminate Medicare, and severely cut Medicaid and Social Security..  WA State Alliance for Retired Americans (WASARA) & …

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The August 7th primary

I’m not talking about the weather. I’m talking about Washington State’s early August primary election – now only 21 days away. Ballots will arrive in your mailbox later this week. The August 7th primary is right in the middle of the Dog Days of Summer – a difficult time to campaign and a very tough …

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