I’ve changed the way events are posted to the 11th LD website. Instead of following via RSS, our events are now posted to a Google Calendar. You can view it here: 11th LD Google Calendar
Category: Newsletters
Feb 28
South Park Bridge Construction Photos
Since a few of us 11th LD members are also residents of South Park, here you go: To document construction of the new South Park Bridge, the King County Road Services Division is working with University of Washington professor and historic building documentary photographer John Stamets. The photos can be found here: http://1.usa.gov/ye98ho
Feb 27
Website is online
The website is back online. I’ve made some slight changes to the layout and I’ll have to recategorize posts that didn’t transfer their posts together. We are now hosted on Dreamhost! http://dreamhost.com/
Feb 24
Upcoming website outage
The website will most-likely be unavailable most of this weekend. I’m going to be transferring over our hosting from GoDaddy to Dreamhost. Expect outages on the website and the @11thlddems.org email addresses will likely have issues too. I’ll send out an all-clear when things are back to normal.
Feb 22
Meeting notes from 2/21/2012
Congrats to Azziem Underwood, the new chair of the 11th Legislative District Democrats. Jerri Wood was elected as our new secretary, and Chris Anderson was elected as our new treasurer. Thank you to Marlene Allbright, Roxanne Kangas, and Martha Koester for your service in these positions! Bill Taylor has also volunteered to be our new …
Feb 18
I’m revamping our twitter account. To subscribe to our updates via twitter, please friend us there if you have an account. https://twitter.com/#!/11thlddems
Feb 15
General Meeting – Food
Hey all, please show up to the February general meeting. Roxanne and I are going to be serving up some baked ziti (both vegetarian and meat options). Also, just a reminder, we will be electing a new e-board during that meeting, so please participate. http://11thlddems.org/blog/event/general-meeting-february-2011/
Feb 09
Azziem Underwood
Congratulations are in order for Azziem Underwood who was elected by his fellow state committee men and women in the 8th Congressional District to be their leader!! He ran in a contested race and won handily. Azziem will represent the 8th Congressional on the WSDCC Executive Board. Three cheers for Azziem – I believe this …
Feb 06
Newsletter – February 2012
The February 2012 newsletter has been posted. You can view it here: 2012-02 February. Please note, information about the upcoming e-board election on February 21st is included. Please take a look.
Jan 10
U.S. House of Representatives Community Liaison Opening
Congressman Adam Smith seeks Community Liaison (full-time) to develop and implement a strong constituency outreach program. Duties include acting as a liaison to develop and maintain relationships, participating in meetings, speaking on the Member’s behalf, corresponding with constituency groups, monitoring important community issues for the Congressman, and working with other district staff on local projects.
Jan 10
Newsletter – January 2012
The newsletter for January 2012 has been posted. You can view it here: 2012-01 January
Dec 17
Newsletter – December 2011
The newsletter for December 2011 has been posted. You can find it here: 2011_12-December
Nov 15
Zack Hudgins Endorsement
Congrats to Zack Hudgins! He just received the sole endorsement from the 11th LD Democrats for his run for Secretary of State in 2012.
Nov 13
Hi all, I just wanted to let you know that the site has undergone a minor overhaul to the component that handles event postings on the site. The new version of the events plugin won’t cross-post events to the main blog page (you’ll only see events if you click on our events list on the …
Nov 10
November General Meeting update
The agenda has been posted. You can view it here: http://11thlddems.org/blog/event/general-membership-meeting-november-2011/