The November 2011 newsletter can be found here: 2011_11_November
Category: Newsletters
Nov 04
Zack Hudgins for Secretary of State
Our 11th LD State Legislator, Zack Hudgins has announced that he’s running for Secretary of State:
Oct 31
Larry Grubb
It is with great sadness that I’m announcing the death of Larry Grubb. Kate Kruller said some wonderful stuff about him earlier, so I’ll just leave you with that: Larry has been such an energizer for so many good things we’ve experienced together at the 11th LD, Mick Kelly’s, our annual picnics (including holding the …
Oct 31
WA Infrastructure Financing Task Force Update
From Bob Hasegawa: I wanted to update folks on my state bank listserv with the latest news from the taskforce. We are having another task force meeting tomorrow in Olympia at 9:00 am in Senate Conference Rooms A, B, C. You can find the agenda for the meeting here on our website. Remember, if you …
Oct 27
Washington State Commission on African American Affairs appoints new Executive Director – Ed Prince
Washington State Commission on African American Affairs appoints new Executive Director. From the Commission Website: “It is our pleasure and that of the board to announce that Edward O. Prince will be joining the Commission on African American Affairs on October 3, 2011 in the position of Executive Director. Please join us and the board …
Oct 16
Alene Brede
From Martha: I am very sorry to announce the passing of our former webmaster Alene Brede, who has been struggling with breast cancer for a couple of years. Information about her memorial will be posted on our website. I first met Alene when I joined the 11th LD Democrats in 2003. We were assigned the …
Oct 16
King County Democrats October Newsletter
King County Democrats just posted their newsletter. It has a pretty big list of events and their endorsements list. Most of them occur outside of the 11th LD boundaries, but you may be interested in some. You can view both here: newsletter
Oct 14
Events list upgrade
I just updated a component of our website (good), but the update process flushed our list of events out of the calendar (bad), but I imported our old events (good). If you notice anything missing, feel free to contact me:
Sep 12
Seattle City Council Passes Paid Sick Leave
From the Slog: This afternoon, after months of debate and despite continuing hesitancy from some council members, the Seattle City Council voted eight to one in favor of passing an amended ordinance that will empower Seattle employees to begin earning paid sick time off, starting September 1, 2012. Council president Richard Conlin voted against the legislation. “Today …
Sep 10
Newsletter – September 2011
The September 2011 newsletter can be found here: 2011_09_September
Sep 01
PCO Elections
From Natalie McClendon: Attached is a memo from me outlining an approach to legislation for 2012 to address the matter of PCO elections, in the wake of the ruling on the Top Two Primary. I am proposing that the Party consider online voting for PCO’s. I propose that the Executive Board discuss this on Friday, …
Sep 01
Three Charts to Email to Your Right-Wing Brother-In-Law
Problem: Your right-wing brother-in-law is plugged into the FOX-Limbaugh lie machine, and keeps sending you emails about “Obama spending” and “Obama deficits” and how the “Stimulus” just made things worse. Solution: Here are three “reality-based” charts to send to him. These charts show what actually happened. Spending More here: Truth-Out
Sep 01
Where pay for chief executives tops the company tax burden
At least 25 top United States companies paid more to their chief executives in 2010 than they did to the federal government in taxes, according to a study released on Wednesday. The chief executives of those companies were paid an average of more than $16 million a year, the study found, a figure substantially higher …