Category: Resolutions

Voter Registration Language Resolution

We will be considering a resolution at our March 18th meeting concerning voter registration language.  Please read it and be prepared to vote: Voter Registration Language Resolution

Resolutions to consider at the July general meeting

We are going to consider two resolutions at the next general meeting (July 16th).  Please review them and be prepared to vote: Resolution in opposition to cuts in social security: RES-Oppose-Soc-Sec-Cuts 03 Resolution supporting cuts in Pentagon spending: RES-PentagonSpending-06-25 04

Resolutions being considered for the February general meeting

We will be considering two resolutions for the February general meeting on 2/19/2013. No Participation with “Secure Communities” in King County Resolution to Censure State Senators Rodney Tom and Tim Sheldon If you have any questions or concerns, please make them known as soon as possible.  Thank you.

Resolution – Charter Schools

This resolution on charter schools will be considered at the 1/17/2012 meeting.  We will consider suspending the rules because this is posted with such short notice.  Here’s the resolution:  2012-1 charter schools

Resolution on VoteBuilder Database Resources

Here is the resolution demanding investment of more resources into the VoteBuilder database by the Democratic National Committee:  2011-8 VoteBuilder resources

Biofuels resolution

A resolution on biofuels will be discussed at the October general meeting:  2011-7 Biofuels resolution

Resolution to Reinstate Glass-Steagall banking Regulations – Revision 1

The revised resolution can be found here:  2011-6 Resolution to Reinstate Glass-Steagall banking regulations-rev1

Resolution Urging Congress to Reinstate the Banking Act of 1933 (Glass-Steagall Act)

From Martha:  (Resolution is here:  2011-6 Resolution to Reinstate Glass-Steagall banking regulations ) I’ve attached the edited and revised edition that I will introduce. It is relevant that McDermott and Cantwelll are on board with the proposals of the resolution, and not relevant that Multnomah County Democrats are.  “the U.S. Congress and Senate have attempted …

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Letter accompanying resolutions sent to congressmembers

Representative Adam Smith 2209 Pacific Ave, Suite B Tacoma, Washington 98402 Dear Representative Smith: Enclosed find two resolutions passed by the 11th Legislative District Democrats protesting proposed cuts in Social Security Administration funding and elimination of Medicare in favor of vouchers.

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Resolution in Support of Requiring Seattle Police Officers to Wear Body Cameras While on Duty

11th LD Democrats Resolution 2011-02 Resolution in Support of Requiring Seattle Police Officers to Wear Body Cameras While on Duty. Given that there have been recent incidents of use of excessive force by Seattle police officers, the resolution endorses a requirement that all police officers wear a body camera during the hours they are on …

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Resolution Against the Privatization of Medicare

Resolution Against the Privatization of Medicare.  Access the resolution by using the following link: 2011-5 Resolution against Medicare privatization

Resolution Against Cuts to the Social Security Administration Budget for 2011

Resolution Against Cuts to the Social Security Administration Budget for 2011.  Access the resolution by using the following link: 2011-4 Resolution against cuts to soc sec admin

Resolution Recognizing that Assuring a Minimum Standard of Paid Sick Days for All Employees Will Improve Public Health, Economic Security and Business Prosperity

11th LD Democrats Resolution 2011-01 Resolution Recognizing that Assuring a Minimum Standard of Paid Sick Days for All Employees Will Improve Public Health, Economic Security and Business Prosperity. Given that four in ten workers in Seattle have no access to paid sick leave and that this constitutes a health hazard for their coworkers and the …

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Resolution on the Seattle Housing Authority Redevelopment of the Yesler Terrace Public Housing Project.

11th LD Democrats Resolution 2011-03 Resolution on the Seattle Housing Authority Redevelopment of the Yesler Terrace Public Housing Project.  Given that there are some 30,000 households in Seattle with incomes at or below 30% of the area’s median income, or about $23,150 for a three-person household, but only 310 unsubsidized rental units in all of …

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