Advertising on our website / Newsletter

Hey everyone!  We are now allowing candidates, campaigns, and local businesses to advertise on our website and in our newsletter.  Would you like to advertise with us?  Details are here:

February General Meeting Minutes

The General Meeting Minutes from the February 2013 meeting have been posted.  You can view them here:

11th LD Democrat GM Minutes February 2013

Newsletter – April 2013

Just in case you missed the newsletter email, here’s the archive version of the April 2013 newsletter.


Agenda for the 4/16/2013 General Membership Meeting

April 16th Meeting Agenda

6:30 pm                Gab n Grub time

Stuffed Strawberries for dessert!

7:00 pm                Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Agenda

Approval of minutes from March 19, 2013 membership meeting

Candidate time – up to two minutes per candidate

7:15                        Unfinished Business:

Continued discussion of proposed changes – Rules & By-Laws                                                 Committee

Possible vote – PCOs only

7:45                        New Business

Update: Endorsement Process

11th LD Meeting Location

8:10                        Raffle Round 1


8:20                        Reports – 2 minutes per report

Chair’s Report -Holly Krejci

Treasurer’s Report – Rick Polintan

WSDCC Report – Kate Kruller/

Marvin Rosete

KCDCC Report – Michael Neher

PC Team – George Summers/

Wayne Severson

8:30                        Good of the Order/Annoucements:

1 minute per speaker

Raffle Round 2

9:00                        Adjourn

In order to vote at our Endorsements meeting

Our endorsements meeting will be on May 18th.  I’ll post the details on the calendar soon.

To be able to vote in the endorsement process, you must be a dues-paying member or a PCO no later than April 18, 2013.  You must also be a resident of the legislative district.

To all candidates and campaigns seeking our endorsement

Hey all, to anybody seeking our endorsement this year:

We’ve sent you electronic copies of our rules and questionnaire forms.  If you haven’t received a copy, here’s the forms:

Also, we are allowing candidates, campaigns, local businesses, etc. purchase advertising space from us.  Details are here:

9th CD Organizing Meeting (April 14th, 2013)

Date: Sunday, April 14th, 2013
Time: 1:30-3:00
Location: Auburn Public Library
1102 Auburn Way South
Auburn, 98002
click here for map

Ok, third times a charm. The 9th CD activists meeting will be this weekend at the Auburn Public Library. This is a new venue so please forward this to anyone who has received information about the meeting. I apologize for all the changes.

Please feel free to write or call me if you have questions.

Bryan Kesterson,
47th LD Washington State Democratic Central Committeeman
22955 130th Pl. S.E.
Kent, Wa 98031
Cell: 206-304-2701

E-board Meeting (4/4/2013) Agenda

The 11th LD Dems E-Board will meet Thursday, April 4 at 7 pm at Georgetown Old City Hall – 6202 13th Avenue S, Seattle.



7:10                        Proposed Bylaw Changes
7:20                        Endorsements
•             Date/Time/Location
•             Voting Rules/Procedures
•             Update from Committee
8:00                        Credentials – check-in on the new nametag system
8:15                        New location for general meeting
8:30                        Agenda for next general meeting (proposed will be presented on Thursday)
8:40                        Food for next meeting
8:45                        Updates for the general good
9:00                        Adjourn

Immigration Week of Action event

While members of Congress are home in their districts this week, they’re meeting with constituents and getting a sense of how folks are feeling about the issues.

That makes this a critical week for moving comprehensive immigration reform forward.

Come out to the Week of Action event on immigration this Sunday in Seattle and help keep the pressure on Congress. Here are the details:

What: Immigration Week of Action event in Seattle
Where: 8824 Renton Ave S
Seattle, WA 98118
When: Sunday, April 7th 4:00 pm

We could help pass a bipartisan bill that not only helps grow our economy and fixes our broken immigration system, but also ensures that 11 million people currently living in the shadows have a real path to citizenship.

If you agree with President Obama that comprehensive immigration reform needs to happen now, then RSVP for the event on Sunday and help get this done:

How to submit questions for the South Seattle Mayor’s Forum (4/29/2013)

For the South Seattle Mayor’s Forum on 4/29/2013, questions can be submitted electronically.  Forum details are here:

A committee of planners from the 11th LD, 34th LD, and 37th LD will select questions to be asked during the forum.  Please submit questions here:

Super South Seattle Mayor’s Forum (4/29/2013)

This is a forum for the Seattle Mayor’s race sponsored by the 11th, 34th, and 37th District Democrats. We are honored to have C.R. Douglas as our moderator.

South Seattle Community College- Georgetown Campus
6737 Corson Av S, Seattle, Washington 98108

April 29th, 2013
6:00 Socialization
6:30 Program Starts
8:30 Program Ends

Facebook event page:

If you’re on Facebook and planning on attending, please RSVP on the event page.

Bylaws Update 3/19/2013

The Bylaws updates that were approved on 3/19/2013 have been posted.  You can view them here:

Adam Smith Event

adamsmithPlease Come and Support Congressman Adam Smith

Adam is the Ranking Member on the House Armed Services Committee and represents the newly redrawn 9th Congressional District that joins Bellevue, Newcastle, Mercer Island and the Rainier Valley with portions of the S. King and Pierce Counties. Come and support your new Congressman!

Hors d’oeuvres / No host bar available
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Newcastle Golf Course
15500 Six Penny Lane
Newcastle, WA 98059

Please RSVP to Rebecca Bryant, 253.572.6125 or via email at

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Adam Smith Dinner


Please join the Labor Community in welcoming Congressman Adam Smith for a Spaghetti Dinner and casual conversation

Monday March 25, 2013
IAM District 751 Union Hall
Hall A
9125 15th Place South
Seattle, WA 98108

Campaign Contribution Greatly Appreciated

Please RSVP to Suzan Merritt at 206.764.0305 or via email at

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11th LD Townhall photos & video

On 3/16/2013, Senator Bob Hasegawa, Representative Zack Hudgins, and Representative Steve Bergquist held a town hall meeting at the King County Office of Emergency Management.

Below are video and photos of the event / building.

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