11th LD Executive Board meeting


11th LD Executive Board meeting is this Thursday October 4, 2012 at 7:00 pm

at the Renton Carpenter’s Hall 2nd & Bernette

Azziem Hassan Underwood, Chair

11th Legislative District & 8th CD
“Salt Off The Fries” Meizza_Me Production


425-652-9549 Cell & Text

Please don’t print this unless you really need to.

Critical that Democrats vote in November

It is absolutely critical that Democrats vote in November.

Michelle Obama made a personal plea to all Democrats to pledge to vote. National pundits are plain spoken – “This is going to be a voter turnout election.”

What I’m asking you to do today is to help us out. We need to make sure that every one of you is with us on Election Day. Take the warnings about “a voter turnout election” seriously, and respond to Michelle Obama’s plea to pledge to vote.

Click here and pledge to vote today

Republicans are working frantically, promoting efforts aimed at disenfranchising Democratic-leaning groups.

Voter intimidation tactics in key states like Ohio and Florida are documented every day. There has been a rash of new laws that can and will be aggressively used by Republicans to suppress voter participation.

Republicans working to suppress voter turnout? Go figure. We Democrats take a different approach. We are working overtime to get more people to vote with our massive Voter Turnout program.

Don’t let Republican voter suppression efforts work in our state.

Please make your pledge to vote today, and then send the Washington State Democratic Party a small donation for our Voter Turnout effort.

Your contribution will allow us to proceed with a full-scale Voter Turnout effort in the next six weeks.

This is a very big deal. We need your help with both your pledge to vote and a small donation to make it work.


Dwight Pelz
Washington State Democrats Chair

P.S. You know what’s at stake this year. There are important races in our state where voter turnout will make the critical difference. Support our Voter Turnout program TODAY with your pledge and a personal donation.

Contributions are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Paid for by Washington State Democratic Central Committee
615 Second Ave., Seattle, WA 98104 – (206) 583-0664- http://www.wa-democrats.org
Not authorized by any federal candidate or candidate’s committee

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Newsletter – September 2012

The newsletter for September 2012 has been posted.  You can view it here:  2012-09-September

Prentice earns multiple recognitions and new appointment Legislator eases into retirement

When a new 11th District senator is sworn in on Jan. 14, it will signal the end of Sen. Margarita Prentice’s nearly 25-year legislative career.  The esteemed matriarch is currently the oldest legislator and will retire at the age of 81.

In recent weeks, several organizations have recognized her significant efforts on their behalf:

The King County Parent Coalition for Developmental Disabilities honored Prentice for sponsoring bills on rural health clinics and employment opportunities for people with disabilities, noting, “Olympia will miss her wisdom and mother’s voice for her son with developmental disabilities.”

Read more here:  http://1.usa.gov/QvJwgO

Want to keep election officials from blocking your vote? There’s an app for that!

This fall, restrictive new voting laws in more than a dozen states could keep millions of people from

exercising their constitutional right to vote. ID and birth certificate requirements, restrictions on

early voting, and shutdowns on election day registration happen to affect non-rich, non-white,

non-middle-aged, non-male voters most. This flurry of regulatory activity could confound Jane and John

Q. Public: how are citizens supposed to know whether they need an ID, license plate number, proof of

insurance, blood sample and baptism certificate in order to cast their vote? The answer might be in the



The Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law has partnered with a bunch of other voting rights

groups to launch a free downloadable “Election Protection” app that will allow voters to verify their

registration status, fill out a voter registration form, look up their polling place, and access info on

key rules and dates tailored to their state. Users are also prompted to call Election Protection’s

hotline to alert the organization to election day abnormalities or concerns.

E-board meeting delayed

The e-board meeting for September has been delayed until 9/11.  Our chair (and some members) are at the DNC in Charlotte watching the President talk tonight.

Environmental Health and Justice 11th Legislative District Candidate Town Hall

Environmental Health and Justice 11th Legislative District Candidate Town Hall

What:  A community conversation around environmental health and justice issues with candidates for the State Legislature.
When: Thursday, September 13, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Where: The Landing Community Room in Renton – 828 N. 10th Place  Renton, WA 98057

This election year, we know voters like you make climate change and clean energy a top priority at the ballot box. Candidates for office need to hear from you in order for these critical issues to be a top priority for them, too. On September 13, you have an opportunity to make your voice heard and to tell your elected officials and those running for office in your community that they need to take action on the issues that matter most to you.

This debate will feature question and answers, policy discussions, audience participation, and more!
Space is limited, please RSVP today!

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Jay Inslee community fundraiser tonight (August 20th)

From Bob Hasegawa:

Jay Inslee will be at the Filipino Community Center, 7-9pm (5740 Martin Luther King Junior Way South  Seattle, WA 98118). Since this is a fundraiser, there’s an entry fee. See the following for details:

Mitt Romney-Paul Ryan vision harks back to the days of Taft


Republicans Mitt Romney and Paul D. Ryan should be running in 1912. (David Horsey / Los Angeles Times / August 13, 2012)

11 facts about the tax debate

Newsletter – August 2012

The newsletter for August 2012 has been posted.  Read it here:  2012-08-August

Also,there’s no monthly meeting in August, just the summer BBQ.  We hope to see you there!

11th LD Endorsements

Since the Primary is upon us (and ballots are due by Tuesday, 8/7), I’m reposting a link to our endorsements:


Can’t think of who to vote for?  Check out our endorsements.

Congressman Adam Smith’s Women’s Issues Roundtable Meeting – 8/21/2012

You’re Invited to Congressman Adam Smith’s

Women’s Issues Roundtable Meeting


Congressman Adam Smith will hold a Women’s Issues Roundtable meeting on Tuesday, August 21 at the Compass Veteran’s Center in Renton, WA. Adam welcomes the opportunity to answer questions and discuss current developments in Congress.


Congressman Adam Smith’s

Women’s Issues Roundtable Meeting

Tuesday, August 21


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Bob Hasegawa Election Night Party – 8/7/2012

Bob Hasegawa is having an election night party at his home on Beacon Hill on 8/7/2012:

Tuesday, August 7th from 6:30-9:30pm
3121 16th Ave S., Seattle

(206) 322-4804
From Bob

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11th LD Summer Picnic – 8/18/2012

The 11th LD is having their annual picnic on Saturday, August 18th, 2012.  Details are in the attachment below:

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