11th LD Democrats Caucus Photos – 04/28/2012

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11th LD Democrats Caucus – 04/28/2012, a set on Flickr.

Congratulations to all delegates, alternates, and candidates! Thank you for a fine caucus day and now let’s get ready for the next round, the Congressional District caucuses on May 20th. Here are some wonderful pictures that were captured of the caucus. Thanks again!

If you want to go to the national convention

If you want to go to the national convention as a Delegate, you must fill out a Statement Of Candidacy with the Washington State Democratic Party.  Fill out this form: Statement of Candidacy and follow the instructions on how to submit it (included in the form).

This form must be turned in between April 9th 2012 and May 4th, 2012 at 5pm if you’re going to run as a District Level National Delegate.  PLEOs and At-Large delegates have a different deadline (follow the link).

11th District Democrats’ PCO Nominating Convention – Official Call

Welcome to the 11th District Democrats’ PCO Nominating Convention:

Saturday April 28, 2012 – following legislative district caucus IAM Hall – 9125 15th Place South – Seattle 98108

The nominating convention will begin immediately after the legislative district caucuses. All PCOs that were elected/appointed before March 15.2012, are eligible to vote.  Weighted precinct values will be used. (Those values are the same as the number of delegates/precinct used on April 15th and are found on attachment one).

Please see the attached PCO list that contains the weighted number: nomconventionlist_public

The convention rules are available here:  Washington State Democrats – Rules – Nominating Conventions – 090926

Summer organizing with Barack Obama

(Message from OFA)

I’m writing because Barack needs you out there this summer.

Through the Organizing Fellowship program, you can work in a full-time volunteer position, learn the principles of field organizing, and then carry out important grassroots activities on the ground.

This summer, thousands of these organizing fellows are going to help lead our grassroots organization — recruiting volunteers and running events to help more people make their voices heard.

It’s an amazing experience — one that could change your life while shaping this country for decades to come.

Apply now to be a summer organizing fellow, or pass this note along to someone you know who might be interested.

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11th Legislative District – 2012 LD Caucus Official Call

The official call is attached here:  201211officalcall_ldcaucus

All 11th Legislative District Caucus Delegates and Alternates:

Attached is the official call to the District Caucus:

Saturday April 28, 2012 – 10:00 am
IAM Hall – 9125 15th Avenue South
Seattle, Washington 98108

The proposed agenda and rules are included in the attachment.

See you on Saturday,
Azziem Underwood
11th District Democratic Chair

PCO Candidate filing information – 2012

The period for PCO’s to file for candidacy is between May 14 – 18.  Some rules for PCO filing for candidacy are attached.  If you want to be a PCO, please read the attached document.

PCO Filing 2012

McKenna’s Workers’ Compensation Plan: Pay Private Insurance Companies, Leave Workers Behind

Message flagged Sunday, April 22, 2012 3:32 PM

For Immediate Release:

April 19, 2012

Contact: Benton Strong


McKenna’s Workers’ Compensation Plan: Pay Private Insurance Companies, Leave Workers Behind

Seattle — Today, the Washington State Democrats are releasing “Fraud,” a video showing the dangers of Rob McKenna’s plan to privatize workers’ compensation insurance. In 2010, nearly 60 percent of voters in Washington State rejected an initiative which would have allowed private insurance companies like AIG to reap profits from the state’s workers comp program. Rob McKenna’s plan would do the same, leaving workers at the mercy of his friends in the insurance industry. Continue reading

LD Caucus & County Convention – Updated Convention Time

Saturday & Sunday 4/28-29/2012
The LD Caucus and the King County Convention are scheduled soon. There has been a bit of confusion over the start time for these events. King County Democrats and the State Democratic Party negotiated King County start times. The following times, 10am on Sat & 1pm on Sunday, are the most current.

2012-04-April Special Editon

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Grassroots Meeting with Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick


Grassroots Meeting with Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick Saturday, April 21st.

Now that we have a Republican opponent, it’s more important than ever that we build a strong grassroots campaign across our state of Washington to make sure that President Obama and other Democrats are elected in November.

On Saturday, April 21, please join Organizing for America – Washington supporters as we hear from Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick. This will also be a really great opportunity to hear about how to be involved in our grassroots team as we will also give a presentation about what ways you can be involved!.

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President Obama coming to Seattle in May

President Obama is coming to Seattle on May 10th for a fundraising luncheon with Dave Matthews as the musical guest.

Details of the event can be found at: http://bit.ly/May10Obama and tickets start at $100.

State Farm and ALEC

People for the American Way is asking people to write to State Farm Insurance about their affiliation with ALEC. This will have extra impact if you are a policy holder and add your policy number.

State Farm Insurance
PO Box 5000
Dupont, WA

To Whom It May Concern:

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The 11th LD Democrats have voted to make the following endorsements tonight (4/17/2012)

  • President: Barack Obama
  • Governor: Jay Inslee
  • US Senator: Maria Cantwell
  • US Representative, CD 7, Jim McDermott
  • State Auditor: Craig Pridemore
  • Attorney General: Bob Ferguson
  • State Representative, Position 1: Zack Hudgins
  • State Representative, Position 2: Bobby Virk
  • State Representative, Position 2, Steven Bergquist
  • Secretary of State: Kathleen Drew
  • King County Superior Court, Position 19, Bill Bowman
  • King County Superior Court, Position 20, Scott Johnson
  • King County Superior Court, Position 29, Sean O’Donnell
  • King County Superior Court, Position 40, Ken Schubert
  • King County Superior Court, Position 46, Judy Ramseyer

General Meeting is tonight

Just as a reminder, our general membership meeting is tonight.  It’s at the usual time (7pm, 4/17) and location (Renton Carpenters’ Hall).  Tonight, the Endorsements Committee will present its recommendations.

Working Washington’s Tax Day

Tax day is almost here, and people all across the country are getting ready
to figure out what they owe and pay their share. Join us to tell the big
corporations and the top 1% it’s time they paid their fair share too.

Foreclose on Wells Fargo
11:00 am • Westlake Park
(4th & Pine, Seattle)
Foreclose on Wells Fargo for
$21 billion of corporate tax dodging

Pie-eating contest at Amazon.com
4:30 pm • Denny Park

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Caucus Day is almost here! The Caucuses are tomorrow, April 15th, at 1:00pm.

Caucus Day is almost here! The Caucuses are tomorrow, April 15th, at 1:00pm.

Find the location of your Caucus today at http://www.wa-democrats.org/caucuses.

Here’s why you should caucus:
To show support for President Obama and help kick off the 2012 campaign
To meet and discuss politics with your neighbors
To become a delegate and start down the road to the National Convention in Charlotte
To shape the Party Platform

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