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The demise of Social Security?

A note from Carol Anne Maiers, PCO 33rd LD–

Ric Edelman, an investment adv. on 1090 AM this morning was raving with glee that this Father’s Day will be remembered as the demise of SS.  In addition 2 wks ago he stated that the younger generation will not need college educations, so don’t plan funds for them. The jobs that will be available will not need degrees.  As 1090 AM is a progressive station we don’t need someone supporting and commending these ideas. I would like to suggest a movement to the station to drop the Edelman show.  I plan to email and call the station with my complaint.  Suppose there will be those that oppose with all sorts of rants.  Yes I believe in freedom of speech and truth in  speech and recognize the relationship between truth and opinions.  I am just saying.

Tell them that this is NOT acceptable!

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Kate Kruller is running for Tukwila City Council

Kate KrullerLast Friday, June 10, Kate Kruller (Former Chair of the 11th Legislative District Democrats; current WSDCC State Committee Woman for the 11th Legislative District Democrats), filed to run for Tukwila City Council – Position 6.  The office is an open seat.  Stay tuned for updates.

Newsletter – June 2011

The newsletter for June 2011 has been posted. View it here: 2011_06_June

DNC response to the Republican debate

McKenna Blames Washington’s Budget Woes on State Workers

From the Slog:

Conveniently ignoring the past two biennial budgets filled with pay cuts, givebacks, layoffs and unpaid furloughs, McKenna caused his audience to literally gasp and groan with horror via his tales of state workers getting five percent annual pay increases year-after-year as the rest of us suffered. It’ll take me some time to fact check all his claims, but I’m pretty damn sure they’re mostly bullshit and/or out of context. McKenna also went on to paint a picture of a government workforce growing out of control, a bullshit datapoint that I do have at my fingertips:

Read the full article here:

34th LD Democrats Endorsements

Just a FYI, the 34th LD Democrats gave a bunch of endorsements last night:

Save Our Medicare

The Washington State Democrats just launched a new website:

Republicans are sacrificing Medicare and the middle and lower classes for tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans.

That’s why everyday Americans disapprove of the Republican budget plan and its policies that will end Medicare as we know it. Republicans are paying the price for their policies — they’re losing elections and facing the backlash.

We will use this site to keep the momentum going and build grassroots support against the Republican budget plan and its destructive policies.

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Elwha River Restoration

Larry Grubb and Jim Flynn took a visit to the Elwha River Dam this week.  They made a Youtube video of the experience.


From Jim:

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2011 King County Democrats Endorsement List

Here’s the list so far:

Judge strikes Wisconsin union-stripping law

From The Maddow Blog:

Dane County Circuit Judge Maryann Sumi ruled Thursday that Republican legislators violated Wisconsin’s open meetings law during the run up to passage. She says that renders the law void.

More details here:

US National Debt


Washington says no thanks to Kucinich

From Public Policy Polling:

There’s been a lot of discussion about the possibility of Dennis Kucinich moving to Washington and running for office there next year but there’s just one little problem- voters there don’t want him to, not even Democrats. Part of that’s because he’s not popular in the state with only 19% of voters rating him favorable to 28% with a negative opinion of him. But the numbers on a potential candidacy for him are worse than the favorability spread- only 12% think he should seek office in the state next year to 39% opposed to the concept.

More here:

Medical Marijuana Bill is dead

As you may remember, our former-late KCDCC committeeman, Dennis Moyers (2009_06_June newsletter), was an advocate for medical marijuana.  He worked hard to try to make progress in this area.  It’s sad to see the way things have turned out…

From the Slog:

The sponsor of a second medical-marijuana bill, Sen Jeanne Kohl-Welles, throws in the towel (after years of work, collaboration with the right and left, enough community meetings to make a neighborhood activist hurl, Gregoire’s partial veto of a solid bill last month, a haystack of remaining incongruous laws that now ban medical-marijuana dispensaries as a result of that veto, an attempt to slam a new bill through in a 30 day session, and a stopwatch that counted down too soon), saying, “we cannot continue to ignore this issue—it simply will not solve itself.”

More here:

10 Republican Lies About the Bush Tax Cuts

From Crooks & Liars:

So it’s come down to this. On Saturday, David Stockman, the legendary Reagan budget chief who presided over the Gipper’s supply-side tax cuts, announced that the “debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party’s embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don’t matter if they result from tax cuts.” The next day, the former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan, who famously helped sell the 2001 Bush tax cuts to Congress, declared them simply “disastrous.”

Sadly, Stockman and Greenspan are just about the only voices in the Republican Party speaking the truth about the fiscal devastation wrought by the expiring Bush tax cuts. After all, the national debt tripled under Ronald Reagan, only to double again during the tenure of George W. Bush. And as it turns out, the Bush tax cut windfall for the wealthy accounted for almost half the budget deficits during his presidency and, if made permanent, would contribute more to the U.S. budget deficit than the Obama stimulus, the TARP program, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and revenue lost to the recession – combined. Of course, you’d never know it listening to the leaders of GOP.

And that’s just the beginning. Here, then, are 10 Republican Lies about the Bush tax cuts:

More here:

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