Newsletter – April 2011

The newsletter for April 2011 has been posted.  View it here:  2011_04_April

General Membership Meeting – April 2011

Our monthly meeting is almost here.  This month, we’ll have Dr. Bobby Virk speaking on the effects of budget cuts on adult dental health.  We will also discuss resolutions on Social Security, Medicare, and police shoulder cameras.  We will also be visited by Bruce Harrell’s campaign staff… Bruce Harrell is seeking our endorsement.  Also, chicken dinner at 6:30pm for $6.

More details below:

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National Debt by President

While discussing things like our nation’s yearly budget and the debt ceiling, it’s important to put things into perspective.  The party that built up most of our National Debt is now the party that’s screaming that we cannot raise the debt ceiling.  Take a look.

National Debt By President


Resolution in Support of Requiring Seattle Police Officers to Wear Body Cameras While on Duty

11th LD Democrats Resolution 2011-02
Resolution in Support of Requiring Seattle Police Officers to Wear Body Cameras While on Duty. Given that there have been recent incidents of use of excessive force by Seattle police officers, the resolution endorses a requirement that all police officers wear a body camera during the hours they are on duty.

2011-2 Resolution on the use of body cameras

Please discuss via comments.


Sen. Chase’s “Clawback” bills will put tax breaks to the test

Bob Hasegawa was a sponsor of the state House version of this bill.

Most state government programs are under regular review – if they don’t work, they don’t last.

The same cannot be said about tax expenditures – tax breaks given to corporations and placed on services in perpetuity. Many of these expenditures have been on the books for years. Some work, some don’t, some continue to serve a purpose and others are no longer necessary.

The bottom line is that these expenditures cost the state over a billion dollars in lost revenue per biennium with little to no oversight of their net benefit to the state.

Sen. Maralyn Chase, D-Shoreline, introduced Senate Bills 5922 and 5923 which will provide oversight of tax expenditures through audits. If it is learned that the tax subsidy no longer serves its purpose or the entity hasn’t live up to its end of the bargain, the state will be able to recoup money through a so called “clawback” provision.

More here:

What Planned Parenthood Actually Does…

From the Washington Post (Ezra Klein):

With Planned Parenthood being either the major obstacle to a budget deal or one of the major obstacles to a budget deal, it’s worth taking a minute explaining what they do — and what they don’t do.

As you can see in the chart atop this post, abortion services account for about 3 percent of Planned Parenthood’s activities. That’s less than cancer screening and prevention (16 percent), STD testing for both men and women (35 percent), and contraception (also 35 percent). About 80 percent of Planned Parenthood’s users are over age 20, and 75 percent have incomes below 150 percent of the poverty line. Planned Parenthood itself estimates it prevents more than 620,000 unintended pregnancies each year, and 220,000 abortions. It’s also worth noting that federal law already forbids Planned Parenthood from using the funds it receives from the government for abortions.

The rest is here:

House Democratic Caucus

Zack Hudgins created a great video about what it means to be a representative:


IAM Rally in Olympia

The IAM is having a labor rally in Olympia on 4/8/2011.  A labor rally bus for Olympia will leave from the IAM Hall (9125 15th Pl S, Seattle) at 9:30 AM and return at 3PM.  Please call the Guevarras at  206-683-0667 if you would like a seat  See for details.

Resolution Against the Privatization of Medicare

Resolution Against the Privatization of Medicare.  Access the resolution by using the following link:

2011-5 Resolution against Medicare privatization

Resolution Against Cuts to the Social Security Administration Budget for 2011

Resolution Against Cuts to the Social Security Administration Budget for 2011.  Access the resolution by using the following link:

2011-4 Resolution against cuts to soc sec admin

April E-board meeting

A correction:  I had the e-board meeting listed as April 4th.  The meeting is actually April 7th.  Sorry about that.

2011 Salmon Bake

Save the Date!
Join Larry Phillips and Friends


The date is set! Mark your calendar for the biggest political event of 2011!
When: Saturday, May 21, 2011
Where: Daybreak Star Cultural Center Discovery Park
3801 W. Government Way, Seattle
Time: 1 pm – 4 pm

Washington State Republicans Vote Against Nuclear Safety

From the Slog:

Yet another good reason to get replace Dave Reichert in the 11th LD.

Fresh off their votes against funding for a tsunami warning center that serves the entire West Coast, our state’s four Republican House members recently voted for budget cuts that could make it harder to respond to nuclear mishaps.

House Republicans didn’t blink an eye as they enacted hundreds of millions of dollars in cuts to programs that safeguard nuclear waste, research nuclear power, and train first responders to respond to weapons of mass destruction.

Which House Republicans from our state? Doc Hastings (R-4), Jaime Herrera-Buetler (R-3), Cathy McMorris-Rodgers (R-5), and Dave Reichert (R-8).

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Representatives Hudgins and Dickerson talk about Toxic Toys

Bob Hasegawa on state bank conference call 6PM Thursday

JOIN US for the LIVE Webcast Conference call on the State Bank Movement with some of its Rising Stars!
TODAY! Thursday, March 24, 6-7pm (Pacific)

Thursday March 24 at 6pm (Pacific), Backbone Campaign will host a webcast conference call on the issue of State Banks featuring Rep. Bob Hasegawa, (WA), Jared Gardner of Oregonians for a State Bank, and Web of Debt author Ellen Brown of (CA). RSVP right now.

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