The bylaws were changed and approved tonight. You can view the full bylaws here: Bylaws The following was updated: Article XI: Endorsements Section 5: Endorsements will normally be given at any time after filing closes. Early endorsements will be considered at the request of the candidate or campaign, for federal, state, and county candidates, and …
Tag: bylaws
Mar 21
Bylaws Update 3/19/2013
The Bylaws updates that were approved on 3/19/2013 have been posted. You can view them here:
Mar 08
Proposed bylaws changes for the 3/19/2013 general meeting
Hey PCOs of the 11th LD, we are proposing a couple of bylaws changes for the general meeting on Tuesday, March 19th. Please review the document in the link below: Proposed bylaws changes 03072013 At a high level, what are we proposing changing? Endorsements: We would like to be able to endorse in non-partisan races …
Feb 20
Bylaws Update 2/19/2013
Last night, we voted to update our bylaws. The update just contains some minor housekeeping (cleaning up a few lines of data that didn’t belong anymore… basically, old dates and page numbers). The updated bylaws are viewable here: Stay tuned for future updates from our rules & bylaws committee.
Feb 11
Bylaws Approval – February 2013
As required by our Bylaws, approval of the new Bylaws after a reorganization is required by the next general meeting. Our reorganization meeting was in January, and the next general meeting is on February 19th at the Carpenter’s Hall in Renton. Here are the bylaws for review. Nothing has changed since last year except removal …