Tag: endorsements

Proposed bylaws changes for the 3/19/2013 general meeting

Hey PCOs of the 11th LD, we are proposing a couple of bylaws changes for the general meeting on Tuesday, March 19th.  Please review the document in the link below: Proposed bylaws changes 03072013 At a high level, what are we proposing changing? Endorsements: We would like to be able to endorse in non-partisan races …

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Ballots are in the mail!

Ballots should begin to arrive in our mailboxes today.  Need help deciding who to vote for?  Here are the 11th LD’s endorsements:  http://www.11thlddems.org/2012/07/endorsements-2012/ And… the Washington State Democrats posted their personal endorsements finder.  Check it out! http://www.wa-democrats.org/content/personal-democratic-endorsements-finder

Updated Endorsements, 10/5/2012

I just updated our list of endorsements for 2012.  The list can be found here: http://www.11thlddems.org/2012/07/endorsements-2012/ We have a handful of new people, initiatives, propositions, etc.  Check it out.

11th LD Endorsements

Since the Primary is upon us (and ballots are due by Tuesday, 8/7), I’m reposting a link to our endorsements: http://www.11thlddems.org/2012/07/endorsements-2012/ Can’t think of who to vote for?  Check out our endorsements.

Endorsements 2012

Our downloadable, printable endorsements list is here:  11th LD 2012 Endorsements 10042012   11th Legislative District Democrats – Endorsements 2012 US President Barack Obama and Joe Biden (www.barackobama.com), endorsed April 2012 US Senator Maria Cantwell (www.cantwell.com), endorsed April 2012 US Representative Jim McDermott – Congressional District 7 (www.mcdermottforcongress.com) , endorsed April 2012 Karen Porterfield – Congressional District 8 (www.karenporterfield4congress.com),  endorsed May …

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Endorsements 6/19/2012

The 11th Legislative District Democrats has made the following endorsements tonight: Seattle Prop 1 (Yes Seattle Libraries Levy) – http://yesseattlelibraries.com/ – Endorsed John Ladenburg (State Supreme Court) – http://www.johnladenburg.com/ – Endorsed West Hill Annexation (City of Renton) – http://westhillyes.org/ – Endorsed Steve Gonzalez (State Surpeme Court) – http://www.justicegonzalez.com/ – Endorsed

KC Young Democrats Candidate Forum / Endorsement Meeting

The King County Young Democrats have their Candidate Forum this Sunday at 6:30pm followed by Endorsements Meeting at 8:00pm. Both young Democrats and young-at-heart Democrats are invited: http://www.facebook.com/events/426653234025301/ The Great Nabob 819 5th Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109


The 11th LD Democrats have voted to make the following endorsements tonight (4/17/2012) President: Barack Obama Governor: Jay Inslee US Senator: Maria Cantwell US Representative, CD 7, Jim McDermott State Auditor: Craig Pridemore Attorney General: Bob Ferguson State Representative, Position 1: Zack Hudgins State Representative, Position 2: Bobby Virk State Representative, Position 2, Steven Bergquist …

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General Meeting is tonight

Just as a reminder, our general membership meeting is tonight.  It’s at the usual time (7pm, 4/17) and location (Renton Carpenters’ Hall).  Tonight, the Endorsements Committee will present its recommendations.

Endorsements committee interviews

On Wednesday, April 11th, we will be interviewing all six announced candidates for Pos. 1 and 2 for State Representative. (We have already endorsed Bob Hasegawa for State Senate, so there is no need to interview for that position.) Schedule of interviews: 6:30        Jim Flynn (Pos. 1) 7:00        Rob Holland (Pos. 2) 7:30        Steven Bergquist (Pos. 2) 8:00        …

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2011 Endorsements – Correction

Our apologies… Sherry Carr was not endorsed.  Our endorsement list has been updated to correct for this.

2011 Endorsements

11th District Democrats Election Candidate Endorsements as of September 21, 2011 The following candidates were endorsed by the body of the 11th Legislative District Democrats at our regular monthly meetings.  Candidates not endorsed are not listed.  The minimum required to endorse is two-thirds of those participating and present during the vote of the individual candidate.  If …

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34th LD Democrats Endorsements

Just a FYI, the 34th LD Democrats gave a bunch of endorsements last night:  http://westseattleblog.com/2011/06/34th-district-democrats-election-endorsements-the-toplines

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