A memorial for Larry Grubb will be held in the back room at Mick Kelly’s on Saturday, November 19 from 12-3:30 PM. It will be a celebration of Larry’s life with family and friends. Mick Kelly’s Irish Pub 435 SW 152nd St., Burien
Tag: Larry Grubb
Oct 31
Larry Grubb
It is with great sadness that I’m announcing the death of Larry Grubb. Kate Kruller said some wonderful stuff about him earlier, so I’ll just leave you with that: Larry has been such an energizer for so many good things we’ve experienced together at the 11th LD, Mick Kelly’s, our annual picnics (including holding the …
Mar 09
Larry Grubb’s Birthday Party
March 31, 2011 Larry Grubb’s birthday party! (Not saying which one) Help put the ― party! back into the Democratic Party 7-9pm at Mick Kelly’s 435 SW 152nd St Burien, WA 98166 (206) 246-2473