Now is the moment to get involved and become a PCO! A Precinct Committee Officer (“PCO”) is the most grassroots elected office in our state. It is the office in charge of educating and organizing neighborhoods and local communities. There are many benefits to becoming a PCO, including automatic membership in your Party, social recognition, …
Tag: pco
Apr 21
Time to Become a PCO!
Now is the moment to get involved and become a PCO! A Precinct Committee Officer (“PCO”) is the most grassroots elected office in our state. It is the office in charge of educating and organizing neighborhoods and local communities. There are many benefits to becoming a PCO, including automatic membership in your Party, social recognition, …
Jun 12
11th LD Pre-Primary PCO Training
CALLING ALL PCO’s to attend the 11th District Dem’s Pre-Primary Voter Engagement Training scheduled Saturday, July 18th, 9:30-12:00 p.m. at the Renton Carpenters Hall. Featuring guest speaker Erin Cheuvront, former Statewide FIeld Director of the SDCC, and others! Coffee and Lunch provided by 11th District Dems. Please RSVP to Toshiko at by Saturday, July …
May 18
Last chance to file for PCO
The candidate filing deadline is upon us. If you want to file for PCO (or another office), here are the closing times: Friday, May 18, 4 pm: Online filing closes Friday, May 18, 4:30 pm: In-person filing closes You can file online here: or in-person at King County Elections:
May 14
PCO Filing Week Reminder
It’s PCO Filing week! If you want to be a PCO, you can file online here: Also, your precinct boundaries may have shifted. The latest updated list is posted on King County’s website. You can find that information here:
Apr 23
PCO Candidate filing information – 2012
The period for PCO’s to file for candidacy is between May 14 – 18. Some rules for PCO filing for candidacy are attached. If you want to be a PCO, please read the attached document. PCO Filing 2012
Sep 01
PCO Elections
From Natalie McClendon: Attached is a memo from me outlining an approach to legislation for 2012 to address the matter of PCO elections, in the wake of the ruling on the Top Two Primary. I am proposing that the Party consider online voting for PCO’s. I propose that the Executive Board discuss this on Friday, …