Tag: republicans

Debt Ceiling Debate

Thanks to Zack Hudgins for sharing this article.  The Republicans have turned their back on what Reagan said in 1983 during another debt ceiling debate: Here’s how President Reagan reacted to crazy talk about not raising the national debt limit in 1983: “The full consequences of a default — or even the serious prospect of …

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House Republicans: After Winning Comes the Losing

From the Huffington Post: The best day Republicans have had in the last few months was the day of the midterm election. Since then, they’ve floundered. They’ve fought to redefine rape, defund cancer screening for women, end Medicare as we know it, cut home heating help for poor seniors, cut food for poor children, and …

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DNC response to the Republican debate

Judge strikes Wisconsin union-stripping law

From The Maddow Blog: Dane County Circuit Judge Maryann Sumi ruled Thursday that Republican legislators violated Wisconsin’s open meetings law during the run up to passage. She says that renders the law void. More details here:  http://maddowblog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/05/26/6722983-breaking-judge-strikes-wisconsin-union-stripping-law

10 Republican Lies About the Bush Tax Cuts

From Crooks & Liars: So it’s come down to this. On Saturday, David Stockman, the legendary Reagan budget chief who presided over the Gipper’s supply-side tax cuts, announced that the “debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party’s embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that …

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Public reaction to the Republican budget

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Boehner seeks to divert funds for gay marriage fight

The Republican party, which claims that it wants less government and less interference in our lives, and that Democrats are the kings of wasteful spending…  wants to divert money from the Justice Department so Congress can defend DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act). So much for their argument for less government interference in our private lives …

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Washington State Republicans Vote Against Nuclear Safety

From the Slog: http://slog.thestranger.com/slog/archives/2011/03/25/washington-state-republicans-vote-against-nuclear-safety Yet another good reason to get replace Dave Reichert in the 11th LD. Fresh off their votes against funding for a tsunami warning center that serves the entire West Coast, our state’s four Republican House members recently voted for budget cuts that could make it harder to respond to nuclear mishaps. …

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Washington State Republicans Vote to Cut Funding for Tsunami Warning Center

From the Slog: http://slog.thestranger.com/slog/archives/2011/03/15/washington-state-republicans-vote-to-cut-funding-for-tsunami-warning-center The worst part is, people probably wouldn’t have noticed this if it hadn’t happened around the same time as the earthquake/tsunami in Japan: WASHINGTON — A spending plan being pushed by Republicans would slash funding for the agency that warned the West Coast about the devastating tsunami in Japan. Voting for …

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