We are going to consider two resolutions at the next general meeting (July 16th). Please review them and be prepared to vote: Resolution in opposition to cuts in social security: RES-Oppose-Soc-Sec-Cuts 03 Resolution supporting cuts in Pentagon spending: RES-PentagonSpending-06-25 04
Tag: resolutions
Oct 12
Biofuels resolution
A resolution on biofuels will be discussed at the October general meeting: 2011-7 Biofuels resolution
May 03
Letter accompanying resolutions sent to congressmembers
Representative Adam Smith 2209 Pacific Ave, Suite B Tacoma, Washington 98402 Dear Representative Smith: Enclosed find two resolutions passed by the 11th Legislative District Democrats protesting proposed cuts in Social Security Administration funding and elimination of Medicare in favor of vouchers.
Apr 12
General Membership Meeting – April 2011
Our monthly meeting is almost here. This month, we’ll have Dr. Bobby Virk speaking on the effects of budget cuts on adult dental health. We will also discuss resolutions on Social Security, Medicare, and police shoulder cameras. We will also be visited by Bruce Harrell’s campaign staff… Bruce Harrell is seeking our endorsement. Also, chicken …
Mar 16
March 2011 – General Meeting Summary
This month’s topics were: Cindy Cole and John Repp spoke to us on the condition of the State Bank Of Washington Approval of the 2011 budget for the district Presentation of a resolution by Gabriela Quintana Presentation of a resolution by John Fox Ivan Weiss on King County Democrats voter outreach Joe McDermott talking about …